Padme going home, Obi-Wan investigation, Naboo

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3rd POV

Meanwhile Obi-Wan, Windu and Yoda in a hover are in the Jedi halls Obi-Wan said "I am concerned for my Padawan" Windu looks to Obi-Wan "He is not ready to be given this assignment on his own yet" Yoda turns said, "The council is confident in its decision, Obi-Wan" Windu agreeing said "The boy has exceptional skills".

But Obi-Wan looks to him he said, "But he still has much to learn, Master" Windu looks to Obi-Wan who looks forward "His abilities have made, well, arrogant" They stop Yoda turns around he said "Yes, yes" Obi-Wan and Windu both look to him "A flaw more and more common among Jedi" He nods "Hmm" He move his hand "Too sure of themselves they are".

He looks to Obi-Wan "Even the older, more experienced ones" Windu said "Remember, Obi-Wan, if the prophecy is true, your apprentice is the only one who can bring the Force back into balance".

Meanwhile back at the building the window in Padme's room is being replaced Anakin standing at the hall looking out the window while Padme said, "I'm taking an extended leave of absence" Anakin looks to see Padme talking to Jar Jar "It will be your responsibility to take my place in the senate" Jar Jar stares at Padme "Representative Binks, I know I can count on you".

Jar Jar ask "Hmm" Jar Jar nods then move his arms "Mesa honoured to be taking dissa heavy burden" Padme nods "Mesa accept this with muy, muy humility and, uh--" Padme just said, "Jar Jar, I don't wish to hold you up" She nods her head "I'm sure you have a great deal to do" Jar Jar said "Of course, Milady".

Jar Jar bows his head and walks as Padme turns to Anakin and walks over to him, she said, "I do not like this idea of hiding" Padme walks pass Anakin who turns walking after her he said, "Don't worry" They enter the room "Now that the council has ordered an investigation, it won't take Master Obi-Wan long to find this bounty hunter".

Padme walks over to grab some clothes she looks to Anakin she said "I haven't work for a year to defeat the Military Creation Act..." She walks over to her bed " not be here when its fate is decided" Anakin turns said "Sometimes we must let go of our pride and do what is requested of us" Padme looks to him she said "Anakin, you've grown up".

She walks to get more clothes to pack as Anakin walks, he said, "Master Obi-Wan manages not to see it" He walks over to the window that the droids fully fix, and leaves Anakin picks up a metal ball "Don't get me wrong" Padme place more clothes in her suitcase "Obi-Wan is a great mentor" Padme look to Anakin who use the Force to lift the metal ball "As wise as Master Yoda and..."

He moves his hand " powerful as Master Windu" He use the Force to move the ball back into his hand Anakin turns to Padme "I am truly thankful to be his apprentice" Padme turns and walks while Anakin place the ball back "In some ways—" He turns "—a lot of ways—" Anakin looks at Padme "I'm really ahead of him".

Anakin takes a breath "I'm ready for the trials..." Padme turns heading for the bed "...but he feels that I'm too predictable" Padme place more clothes in her suitcase staring at Anakin "He won't let me move on" Padme said, "That must be frustrating" But Anakin walks said, "It's worse" He's overly critical" Padme went to the closet "He never listens".

Anakin turn his head "He—He doesn't understand" He lower his head turns "It's not fair" He looks to Padme who looks at him she said, "All mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we would like" She walks back to her suitcases "It's the only way we grow" Anakin sits down sighs he said, "I know" Padme looks to him she said "Anakin".

Padme walks over to him "Don't try to grow up too fast" Anakin stands up he said, "But I am grown up" They stare at each other "You said it yourself" He smiles while Padme shake her head she said, "Please don't look at me like that" Anakin tilt his head ask, "Why not" Padme said, "It makes me feel uncomfortable" With that Padme turns walks as Anakin watch smiles said "Sorry, milady".

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