The Beginning of the Clone Wars

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3rd POV

Meanwhile at Coruscant, Dooku's ship arrives the solar sail folds up and went back into the ship and close up as it flies down towards the planet it flies pass building passing smokes it moves towards an old building it opens and the ship flies in and lands walking over to the ship is a cloak person Dooku walks out of his ship he said, "The Force is with us, Master Sidious".

Dooku bows and Sidious said, "Welcome home, Lord Tyranus" Sidious turns "You have done well" They walk forward Dooku said "I have good news for you, my lord" Dooku looks to him "The war has begun" Sidious said "Excellent" He turn his head "Everything is going as planned" They walk out of the hanger.

Meanwhile at the Jedi Temple in a room Windu and Obi-Wan are looking at the sunset Obi-Wan ask "Do you believe what Count Dooku said..." He looks to Windu "...about Sidious controlling the senate" Windu looks to Obi-Wan "It doesn't feel right" Yoda said, "Joined the dark side Dooku has" Windu and Obi-Wan look to Yoda who sits on a chair "Hmm, lies, deceit..."

Yoda looks to them raise his hand "...creating mistrust are his ways now" He lower his hand Windu said "Nevertheless, I feel we should keep a closer eye on the senate" Yoda said, "I agree" Windu looks to Obi-Wan he ask, "Where is your apprentice" Obi-Wan said "On his way to Naboo, escorting Senator Amidala home".

Obi-Wan looks out the window then back "I have to admit that without the clones, it would not have been a victory" Yoda ask "Victory" Obi-Wan and Windu look to him Yoda leans "Victory, you say" He close his eyes "Master Obi-Wan, not victory" He opens them looking at Obi-Wan and Windu "The shroud of the dark side has fallen" He raise his head "Begun the Clone War has".

Standing is upon thousands of clones and Republic ships are leaving and Clone troopers marching into the ships leading troopers into a ship is Axel having a scar over his right eye place his helmet on that's fix with the burn mark on it with Cyberman and Chief on either side of him marching while on Axel's belt is the lightsaber he kept while Clones stood in ranks and watching from a balcony is Palpatine, Mas and the Committee looking at the Republic army as more ships leave the surface.

Meanwhile at Naboo the sun is setting Anakin and Padme stood with a priest and C-3PO, R2 and R3 watching Anakin put his hand out for Padme to hold it the priest walks while Anakin holds his robotic hand for Padme to hold it, they walk closer together and kiss C-3PO looks to R2 and R3 he walks between them and place his hands on their domes looking back Padme and Anakin slowly stop stare at each other then turn towards the sunset.

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