Chapter Fifteen - One More Night

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The Girl with the motorbike 

Chapter 15 

Paige's POV 

After Ross left, I sunk down onto my bed, and let my tears escape; those which I had been holding in. As they trickled down my cheeks, I thought about what had just happened. 

Ross had seen my scars, all of them. It was obvouis that he was shocked; and maybe even disgusted.  I wouldn't blame him though, they are horrible. Ross would want to know my story now, which I couldn't tell him. I couldn't put him in that sort of danger, it was too risky to let him know anything. Of course; he would have questions. He just wouldn't get the answers to them. I was sure of that. 

I decided to skip school today; I was too depressed to go. I informed Ross' mother, and she phoned in to excuse me. I hadn't even been at school for a week, and I was already taking a day off, oh well. This is an exception. 

I decided to do the cliche normal girl thing. I grabbed a bucket of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and switched a movie on, and curled up on the large sofa. I sighed, and just as I started to relax, the door bell went off. I groaned, and pushed myself the sofa, and scuttered my way to the door. Forgetting about checking who it was, I opened the door. Just to find Cassie standing at the doorway, a huge smile across her face. I stood in shock, how the? 

"Ross told me where you lived," She answered my question, that was circling mentally around my head, I gaped at her again, and then rubbed the back of my neck, nervously. "Well aren't you going to let me in?" She asked, and I nodded, standing aside, as Cassie brushed past me. 

"Shouldn't you be at school?" I asked her, wondering why she was here. 

"Shouldn't you be at school?" She asked, mimicking my voice, I stuck my tongue out at her, and padded back towards my comfortable sofa, and plopped down, as Cassie sat opposite. "Ross told me you were a bit down, so I thought I'd come and keep you company," She answered. 

"Ross told you that?" I asked, in bisbelief. 

"Yeah, I can't believe that he spoke to me either..." She trailed off. "I know we aren't very close, but you can tell me what's up. It's always better to get everthing off you're chest, than bottle everything up," She offered, and I gave her a small smile.

"It's confusing," I said, and she sighed. 

"I'm sure I can keep up," She egged me on, but I shook my head. I refused to tell anyone, I didn't want to put anyone in danger.

"Sorry, I can't tell you," I told her, and she nodded.

Then it went silent, but it was a confortable silence though, not an awkward one. It gave me a little time to think. I was still tripped over the fact that Ross had told Cassie that I was upset, that meant that he cared about me. And that wasn't good. Well it was, but not for his safety. I was dreading when Ross would come home for school, he'd want answers, of course. But I wouldn't give him any.  

Cassie decided to stay with me, much to my displeasure. I was getting on really well with Cassie, but I didn't want to become a bit influence on her, she shouldn't be skipping school just to stay with me. 

"No, no. I'm staying here, suck it up," She told me, smirking, and I shook my head. There was no getting through to the girl, and I knew I wasn't going to win this arguement, so I left her be. Sitting opposite me, on the love seat. 

"Let's play a game," She suggested, and I rose an eyebrow. "21 question." She announced. 

I had always hated this game, it was a sneaky way of finding out people's life stories, their secrets. Well I wasn't falling for it.

 "Brothers or sisters?" She asked. 

"One sister, and a b-brother," I said, blurted. And then I felt like smacking my head against a brick wall, I wasn't supposed to blurt that out. She rose an eyebrow, but didn't take it any further, which I was grateful for. 

"Brother's or sisters?" I asked, copying her question .

"A brother, and an-em, sister," She said, unsurely. I was just about to ask about her sister, but she bet me to it first. "She died, a shooting." She answered, bowing her head slightly. 

My mouth was gaped open, as her answer registered through my brain, died? In a shooting? Well.. I never expected that as the answer. 

"She was eighteen, and out clubbing. The club was raided, she was one of the unlucky ones," She informed me. 

"I'm sorry," I told her, and she nodded and I could tell that she was struggling to hold in her tears. 

"So... parents?" She asked, and I rolled my eyes, this could be fun. 

"my mum- well... she chucked me out," I told her, smirking about my Mum. 

Whenever I thought about what happened, I just wanted to burst out laughing. Sure, it had hurt at the time; a lot. But now I know that I'm better off without her, and now I could just get on with my life, without having her look over my shoulder every chance she gets. I know a lot of people say that it's impossible to hate your mum, or dad; simply because they are you're parents, but for me, this aint true. I hate- no scrap that, I dispise my mother, and I always would. After what she put my dad through, she didn't deserve anything she had right now. I did feel a bit sorry for leaving my sister behind, but I knew that they would get on fine and I wanted the best for Chloe, I didnt want her to end up like me. 

"Your dad?" She asked, and my body tensed up. I thought about it for a second. 

"He was killed.... shot," I answered her, almost robotically. Even though it hurt like fuck. 

I didn't speak about my dad; to no one. I wasn't the sort of person that would feel better after getting everything of their chest, after all; I was used to keeping things hidden from others. All my members of the family decided to send me to a "shrink", but I can tell you that it didn't go very well. Being dragged out by the police wasn't my idea of a helpful ear. Soon enough, everyone gave up on me, and left me alone; to grieve in silence. I prefered it that way. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," She told me, and I nodded. I didn't want people's sympathy. I didn't want them to think that I was weak. 

We sat playing for hours on end. I found out a lot about Cassie. She enjoyed all sports, especially running, much like myself. She had a dog, and a cat. Her mum owed a hairdresser, whilst her Dad owned an oil company in England, therefore she rarely saw him.

"It's hard sometimes, especially coming down in the morning, to find that he isn't sitting at the kitchen table, making his famous pancakes. My mum gets awfully down about it too, and then she buries herself in her work, so I never see her either, but it's her way of dealing with my dad being away. He's a great dad though," She told me, and I smiled for her. I was happy that she had a family; a little broken around the edges, but all the same. 

Ross didn't arrive home that night. 


A/N : Another chapter, sorry for not updating! Hope you like this one!

Next update at 1000 reads! : ) Not asking too much am I?

What's happened to Ross? o_o

Chapter Song: One More Night - Maroon 5.  

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Thank you! :) Kirsten xoxo 

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