Chapter 13 - Die Young

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The Girl with the motorbike 

Chapter 13 

Paige's POV. 

After Ross had unlocked the gym for me, he wandered away. Stating that he needed to clean his room. It didn't bother me that he left me alone, I needed time to think things over. 

I still couldn't get over the fact that my Mum had chucked me out of her house, and how she could be so horrible to her daughter. Well I guess she just didn't think of me as a daughter. Which was fine with me, as I didn't think of her as my Mum; mutual feelings. 

Ross' home was great, it really was. I knew that I was going to love staying here. And in a way, I'm thankful that my Mum sent me here, at least I could get on with my life without having her looking over my shoulder, and judging everything I do. Ross' mum was great too, she didn't look too stern, or strict and I certainly don't think she will be putting her nose in my personal life, which I would be thankful for. I really just want to live a peaceful life, with no complications or anything; but I knew that wouldn't happen for me, trouble always seemed to find me. 

After Ross left, I made my way over to my room, which still awed me. I never thought a bedroom could get so big. It was the size of my old house in London, and the decor was beautiful. There was a huge king sized bed, with hanging drapes against the middle of the back wall, covered with piles and piles of blankets and white pillows. To the side was a bedside table, which was made of solid oak, placed on top was an alarm clock and a docking station for my Iphone. To the left side of the room, was a pair of glass double doors, which led out to a huge balcony, which overlooked the back of the property, which just so happened to be where all the stables, and horses were. I loved the view. There was also a huge long desk, which had already been equipped with stationary, everything from folders to rubbers. On the desk sat a barn new IMac, which had just made me speechless, there was also a never ending supply of paper underneath. A door off to the left side, led into a huge walk-in wardrobe, which nurmous of racks stood, already filled with clothes. 

The room was just a teenager's haven. It was great for having huge sleepovers and hanging out with friends. The sun shone in, giving the room a bright atmopshere. It was defintately my dream room. 

I decided to play some music, to lift my mood a little. I stuck my Iphone onto the dock, and switched on my favourite song; Die Young, By Kesha. As soon as I pressed play, the music came blasting out of the speakers, but not just the docking speakers, what I hadn't noticed, was that in every corner of the room, was a huge speaker. I almost squeled, doing a happy dance in the middle of the room. This room was so awesome! 

I grabbed my hairbrush, which was played on my bed, and started jumping around, shouting out the words to the song. 

I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums

Oh what a shame that you came here with someone

So while you’re here in my arms

Let’s make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young

We’re gonna die young

We’re gonna die young

Let’s make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young

Young hearts, out our minds

Runnin like we outta time

Wild childs, lookin’ good

Livin hard just like we should

Don’t care whose watching when we tearing it up

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