The Past

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"Freddie, their is someone outside of our flat!"Mary whispered in a sense of urgency and instantly Freddie sat up;listening to the bags continue.

"Stay here,"he says. He walks over to his closet and grabs a wooden club from his closet.

He cautiously scurries over to the front door and looks through the peep hole; making him gasp in shock.

Kensington, London, UK
2:06 am

"Bloody Hell," Freddie mumbled to himself in disbelief. He quickly unlocked the door and swung it open.

His heart dropped when he sees the little girl standing in front of him. She has to be no older than 5 and was shaking profusely. Her brown tear-filled eyes sparkled under the florescent lighting that filled his flat. She also had a similar skin complexion like him. Everything else was different.

The little girl didn't hesitate to run inside and cling on to Freddie's leg. She began sobbing as Freddie stood there stunned. 'What the heck was going on?' He thought.

"Mary, you might want to come over here," he yells to Mary and let's the poor girl inside.

As Freddie kneels down to her height to give her a better hug, Mary turns the corner and gasps.

"Oh my goodness," she whispers and races up to the 2; it startled the little girl a little bit.

"A-are you Freddie Mer-Mercury?" She stumbles as she shivers uncontrollably. She must be freezing, she's been sitting in the rain for who knows how long.

"Yes?" I said in a questioning tone. She hands him over the now very soaked envelope. She then sneezes and crosses her arms over her chest.

Mary runs off somewhere in there flat.  Meanwhile Freddie just sits there speechless as he looks down at the envelope. He really didn't know what to say.

"Ooh! Kitties!" The little one squeals as her attention was toward the 2 cats that peered around the corner.

She walks over to them and starts petting them, earning some kisses and puts from the content cats. She giggles happily and looks up at Freddie.

"Aw yes. That's Tom and Jerry! Do you like them?" He asked approaching the girl.

"Yes! Mummy never let me have kitties!" She stated and that was made Freddie quirk an eyebrow.

"Speaking of, where is your mummy at?"He asked.

The little girl just shrugged,not really paying attention bc she was too occupied petting the cats. As awkward silence builds between them, Mary comes back over to the 2 and says, "I ran a warm bath so she doesn't get ill".

"Ooh are there bubbles?"the girl asked excitedly, which made the 2 adults smile.

"Why yes! There are lots and lots of bubbles. Come on darling before the water gets cold," Mary takes the little girls hand and leads her to the bathroom.

While doing so she gave Freddie a very serious glance that read," you better figure out what's going on".

Once Mary shut the bathroom door, he heavily sighed while running his fingers through his tangly, brown locks. He strolled over to the sitting room and plopped down on the sofa.

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