A Trip to the Doctor's

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As Dyllan drifted off to sleep, Freddie sat on the edge of the bed and admired her beauty. Whether biological or not, he was not going to throw her out.

He was determined to give her the life she deserves.


Dyllan woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Her tummy growled. She hasn't eaten in awhile. Derrius barely fed her. Her mum would sneak food to her sometimes, but she usually just made her starve.

Dyllan climbed out of bed and tip-toed to the kitchen. She poked her head in the doorway, seeing Freddie taking the bacon out of the hot pan.

She stood there quietly, trying to not draw attention to herself. It didn't take long for Freddie to realize Dyllan was spying on him.

"Good morning darling. Did you sleep ok?"He asked,turning his attention back on the bacon.

"Yeah I slept good," she says as she sits herself at the table.

"Where's Mary?" Dyllan asked.

"She had to go to work darling,"

She quietly studied Freddie as he makes 2 plates of food. She assumed they were for him and Mary. However, she gave Freddie a questioning look as he slid the plate to her.

"For me?" She asked pointing to herself.

"Yeah Dyllan. Why? Are you not hungry?"

"No. Daddy never let me eat. Mummy fed sometimes but not really," she shrugs and starts devouring the food on her plate.

Freddie,stunned and shocked by what she said, just observed Dyllan as she ate. It would explain how small she was.

It's human nature for an almost 4 year old to be small but not as tiny as she was. Dyllan was nothing but skin and bone.

The thing that killed him more than anything was that the abuse was Dyllan's normal. She doesn't know any better. The fact that she questioned if the food was for her devastated Freddie.

Freddie put all of those feelings aside and tried enjoying his first breakfast with his daughter. They made small talk about the most random things such as Dyllan's obsession with princesses.

Freddie learned that her favorite was Cinderella only because she liked the fat mouse, Gus Gus. While talking the her, Freddie also realized how outgoing and wild her imagination was.

She was telling him about the time her and a "friend" slayed a dragon to protect the people who lived in Dyllanville. Then they had tea with the queen, who actually ended up crowning Dyllan as queen in return for her heroic actions.

"No way! I don't believe you," Freddie says playfully.

"Freddie I pinky swear" she defends herself as she raises her tiny pinky.

Freddie chuckles and locks pinkies with Dyllan.

"Dyllan? Do you want to go get ice cream later today?" He asked, waiting for a perky response, but he only got a confused expression.

"What's ice cream?" She asked and Freddie frantically gasped; his hand flying over heart.

"You don't know what ice cream is?" He asked, poking her belly which made her giggle.

Freddie stops and Dyllan catches her breathe. She just shakes her head no.

"Ice cream is a frozen treat. It's sweet and yummy. Do you want to get some?"Freddie asked and Dyllan shook her head rapidly.

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