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LAN sizhui 'how and why did I ever agree to this??? This is such a mess...'

Earlier at Wei wuixians lab in cloud recess*

LAN jingyi: hey guys should we try this out? Points at the manual book that said time travel*

Jinling:are u dumb? Why would we do that???

LAN jingyi: Oi! Did u forget I'm the head desciple of gusu clan and the heir of yunmeng?!

Jinling:so? I'm the sect leader of lanling what does that to u huh? Ur lucky I'm not after to punish u from so much disrespect u had on me before!

Sizhui:guys calm down😅

Jingyi: why u!

Zizhen: playing with the talismans and accidentally  point it towards the ready made time traveling array they're standing on*

Sizhui: what happend!?

*And then there's a shining light that covered them*

At a conference on qinghe of all sects except qishanwen*

The sect leaders were talking when...


jingyi: get Tf off me you young mistress!!!

Jinling: for heavens sake!!! I'm not a young mistress I'm a young master!!!

Jingyi: u don't act like it!

Jinling: and u don't act like the head desciple of gusu!!!!

Zizhen: uhhhh...guys?


Jingyi: WHAT??!

Nie mingjue: what is happening here and who are u!?

Jinling: huh!? Where are we!? sizhui!

Sizhui: and this is why I told u guys not to fcking mess with senior wei's laboratory!!!!!

Jiang fengmian: Wei wuixian? What?

Jiang Cheng: what Did u do!?

Jinling:jiujiu? Why is jiujiu here!?

Sizhui: god give me patience

Zizhen: I t-think we went back in time....

Jingyi:holy shit really!? So does that mean hanguang jun and senior Wei are the same age as us!? Where are they!!!!

Sizhui: and there goes his fanboying really zizhen?

Zizhen: s-sorry

Nie mingjue: hey! Were asking u a question!!! Who are u or I'm gonna send the guards!

Nie huasiang: enjoying the show*

Wei wuixian: just what is happening here!?

Jiang Cheng: how would I know!?

Jinling: shut up! Were not done talking yet!! Ad besides were supposed to be asking that who are u- mhmhmhmmm!!!??

Sizhui: puts the silencing  spell on jinling* sorry about him but may I ask what year is it??

Nie huasiang: huh? Tells the year that is was 20 yrs ago*

Sizhui: i- zizhen!! Just how much spiritual energy did u send on the time traveling array!!!!

Zizhen: idk! OK it was an accident!

Sizhui: xian gege will burn the world there. if we don't find a way to go back!

chaotic Mdzs Characters went back in timeWhere stories live. Discover now