Authors Note

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OK so for those who likes my story...

Im really really sorry but I wont be uploading for awhile because I'm waiting for my ipad and ipad set ups. This new ipad is gonna be where I'll type my stories(chaotic mdzs characters, first secret reletionship, mdzs interviews and etc).

Next is

Im fixing my au but here's a bit of my planned au I might change it but just I bit like a final touch if I do change it.

Heads up! I suck at descriptions, fillers, and most importantly territory(scene) descriptions I suck at those and I haven't done my research yet cause I haven't read the novel again and I'm still busy on my modules because we just started are exams so yuh.
So pls pls pls bear with me cause I suck at fillerssjhdksmw anyways here.


So like I said I suck at them so I'm making my own map and idk any other villages except lotus pier, yunping, yilling, mo village, and caiyi so I'm just gonna make up the othersss

So there are 5 forest surrounded by the 5 great sects but. Because of the sun shot campaign it got burned down or smt happened to it idk ill just make one up in each story but nonetheless this forests is goners(reason why I'm showing this?? Because its fcking important!)
Anyways so yes these since the 5th is burnt down the only working forest is the others which is in between all the other great sects
And they share it because its big big
So gusu forest is split by there's and the other half is yunmeng and qinghe in both sides
While qinghe is split by theirs and gusu and lanling
And lanling is split by their, qinghe and yunmeng and so on with yunmeng split by theirs, gusu and lanling.

Next is the sects itself

-territory :yunmeng
-headquarters :lotus cove
-main village :lotus pier
-2nd village :yunping

-territory :lanling
-headquarters :carp tower
-main villaige:jinlintai
-2nd village:? (umm guys idk what to put here so can u fill it up?)

-territory :qinghe
-headquarters:unclean realms
-main village:? (umm guys idk what to put here so can u fill it up?)
-2nd village:? (umm guys idk what to put here so can u fill it up?)

-headquarters:cloud recess
-main villaige:caiyi
-2nd villaige:(umm guys idk what to put here so can u fill it up?)

-territory :qishan
-headquarters:nightless city
-main village:fufeng town
-2nd village:dafan mountain/mo village(OK I'm not so sure about this but meh)

OK then theres yilling that is supposed to be in yunmeng but yilling will be staying as neutral here😘but it is part of yunmeng k?
Anyways for the other villages is gonna be randoms that I found in the Internet and I'm really really sorry if I offended someone's culture in this I'm sorry cause Idk a thing about china and im too busy to research so pls I'm sorry and headsup😅😞


So in my au before wwx died at the siege he made 4 teleportation doors that is now used by the 4 great sects.
The 4 are all connected to a territory for example.

The yunmeng door is connected to the yunmeng forest 1&2,yunping,lotus cove, lotus pier. But that's it that's just where u can go if u use ur side of the door
If for example gusu needs to go to yunmeng forest the disciples say:yunmeng territory forest 1

Or if they want to go to lotus pier:yunmeng territory lotus pier

And the door will open there. But u gotta be specific to where ur going cause if u just say yunmeng territory u don't know where the heck the door will open its either in the middle of the forest, streets of yunping, or in the middle of yunmeng headquarters (jc House), heck maybe you'll get thrown in the lake😂, nonetheless it'll just drop u in yunmeng territory and not go through the other door and that's a bit dangerous.

remember yin xinfei??? My oc? Yea she's changing positions instead of an immortal and wwx daughter she gonna be wwx big sis, twin sis, or younger sis it depends on the story so yuh.
Her name is gonna be wei yue courtesy xinfei. She's in a relationship with huaisang BTW 😊
Her backstory:she died while she and her friends are out on a trip to China which she died while falling off a cliff accidentally while running away from her killer because a lot of people wanted her dead cause her families rich(there was someone with her she's her BFF which she gonna show up in the future during the crossover ones! ) so anyways she died when she wasn't supposed to got sent into the time stream and got a chance as to go into the novel she chooses with extra knowledge and understanding in that novel change its fate and bring one thing with her to which she brought her phone and yada

But there's also another backstory in this it depends on what fits😊

Which she has the power to see the future and does her best to find her brother (wwx) when he got lost but no one really knew of her including the jiang family because when she went and see them she introduced herself as her brother because she knows what will happen nonetheless she was a genius if her brother likes to dabble with talismans and arrays then shes a genius in making spiritual weapons that the gods, demons, and ghosts envy not to mention she's proficient with both resentful and spiritual energies and well the rest will be shown in the story itself

-Sanren fam

Those that has the Sanren name no matter id be adopted or not as long as ur bloodline has the Sanren name they have 2 ability
1.balance-every single one in the family practices both resentful and spiritual energies

2 recognition-since the family has both resentful and spiritual energies in them, they can recognise each other or know the locations of the others as long as both energies are balanced the downside is once one is unbalance the others can't find them

If the spiritual is more rather than the resentful:the fire in the others mind is so light that it erases itself the only thing you'll know is that there alive

If the resentful is more than the spiritual:the fire is soo dim in the mind and it can only pinpoint the general area where they are and nothing more u can't even make sure if there dead or alive just that somewhere there body is in that area and that's it.

-The forests

those 4 forest are important they hold the spirits of time(air) , light(water) , darkness(fire), and spirits(earth), (which spoiler alert Jinling is the son of light, lan sizhui is the son of darkness, ouyang zizhen is the son of spirits, and lan jingyi is the son of time😉the past gen is also one but i
ain't saying but I'm confused whether I should use the spirit mountains🤔meh ill think about it later😁)

And other spoiler alert is that the 5th forest is the villain and it holds the spirit of neutral(spatial) or in short it can copy the other powers and store it or it can also means the power of creation and destruction it can open other worlds and timelines (wei xinfei is the daughter of creation and dimensions while wei wuxian is the son of destruction and timelines
And lastly the villain wu lian the daughter of creation and destruction. Spoiler:This bitch is gonna be wwx rival in lwj (BTW it does not work heheh) and the one who'll help lanling in getting rid of Jin ling😉


My au in Canon is nothing really just a bit mix of my au it's just background

-post canon

Revelations and welp a huge as mix with my au and the canon

-my au

Shenanigans and backstories in my ocs side and revelations again and crossovers!!!(tgcf and svss) This is also the part where my BFFs ocs comes in!!!

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