OK So New Timetravel Story Ig?

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OK I've been offline in this story for too long so I'm gonna drop this, this is a new plot and also sorry if u don't really get it cuz I also changed wxf name Into wei siyun courtesy lan xinfei bcuz why not and this is not a proper chapter the next is cuz this is just supposed to be a scenario but I liked it to much so I'm making it official?this is only the context of what happened (I won't be doing the present Timeline part of story bcuz I've got nothing but maybe if I have a plot for it so yuh) So yuh anyways here

So what if jl becomes immortal his the only one actually and he eventually became the heir of sanren sect after he was on the run when jc, wwx, lwj, lxc, NHS, ljy and lsz died they were all near immortality at that point but jl was the only one who survived with lsz and ljy and lsz and ljy were both cursed and was in a coma their ascension to becoming immortals was the only support they have and they can never wake up unless smt is done they were broke apart during the run and zizhen and jl were the only ones left bcuz zizhen was already undergoing training in sanren sect he was the one who found out jl looking traumatised with lsz and ljy passed out wwx, lwj, jc, lxc and nhs found a way to time travel at the time when they were still teens in cr, stopping the time flow of the world until those who was at the past reached the present timeline jl, lsz and ljy who was bought by zizhen to the sanren sect was able to escape the time stop bcuz baoshan sanrens sect was neutral of the nature of the world meaning logic means no bounds in their but its only a matter of time before the darkness consumes it

Until it was jls correnation day the sanren sect was turned into an empire after years cuz bssr saved some of the mortals with zizhen as 2nd Prince since he didn't want to be in the line of succession and also bcuz he wasn't technically blood related to them except being married to ljy and jl has the ability to use all 4 of their powers(dark, light, nature, space) when the darkness finally came(meaning the past Timeline was catching up but something was wrong and its only a matter of time before the sanren sect or known as the sanren empire now will follow the time flow and stop until those who was at the past catch up and fix the problems) bssr who was going weak bcuz of some life project of hers and finding a way to wake ljy and lsz up was able to do it and it was also the rebirth of wei siyun, lan xinfei

The anomaly soul sibling of wwx whos soul is artificially made and was taken from another world after she died on wwx first life as an immortal (dying or cursed as an immortal has some complications cursed is fine dying is on another level bcuz it will sucked up a person's soul in exchange for its immortality ) bssr who has gave her  and wei siyuns memories and powers to wei siyun  before she fell on the darkness had enabled wei siyun to use her powers to bring them back to where the one who timetravelled was with the help of jls energy... Coincidencely it was wen sect before its fall during the sun shot campaign and the final battle (wrh was still alive) and was choking wwx

Suyin who was relieved they landed on the right Timeline got so shocked to see her bro getting choked panicked with jl and bssr energy mixed with hers hit wrh with a snap of her fingers which nearly erased his existence if it wasn't ljy stopping it only releasing wrh from his cursed state using his space powers... 😬



*yes the darkness was the colleteral damaged of both a mistake of a ritual(I absolutely forgot what word fits this sentence cuz my grammar sucks but In short the "darkness" is the effect of a mistake in a ritual of their enemies (don't worry said enemies are dead in exchange for that ritual just use ur imagination))

*did the time traveling thing made the darkness stronger?, yes it did that's why the time flow or the deities(use ur imagination) stopped the time until those who are in the past catch up to fix the problem(the darkness) before it even happened in short the world restarted😬

*why did jl become the successor of the sanren empire? Bcuz lsz was asleep and also bcuz he have the ability to adapt to any element (reason why he can use all the 4s powers by a it not by full potential but still can) his more like wei siyuns successor rather than wwx😊

*what are their power?? And weapons? Zizhen is the guardian or the elemental spirit of nature he uses fancultivation and assassination chords has the same adaptability like jl but has some restrictions jl doesnt(nhs successor and yes it did hurt him when the darkness started to eat up the world to turn it into an abyss bcuz of how tune in he is with nature and the elements reason why he was just the 2nd Prince) ljy is the guardian or the spirit of space he has adaptibility to any weapon so he doesn't really have a main one so he uses the same thing as wei siyun have as a 2nd main weapon that is key like transparent screens (in short if we go by the modern au my boi is a fcking hacker🤣 just use ur imagination my ppls)jcs succesor, lsz is the guardian or spirit of darkness his the 2nd strongest next to jl and ljy only bcuz he sucks at weapon adaptibility 😅 hes like zizhen at that level his main weapons are a guqin, flute and a sword so any type of a string, wind and sword type weapons he can use them with mastery but don't let him hold anything other than that especially a whip pls for goodness sake don't let that kid anywhere near a whip, 😭his the successor of wwx
Jl lastly uses a whip and a sword as main weapons but he can use any type of weapons if push comes to shove his just below with ljy at that one his also the guardian or the spirit of light has the power to almost copy everyone not by their potential but near to it (just imagine unordinary weabtoon where josh is jl but jl doesn't reach the powers he copied to full potential but he can still use it as an advantage and the difference is that jl can actually merge and store abilities so thats the difference there😂) his the successor of wei siyun which also means his a bit clumsy with his powers sometimes and usually use it for lazy ness and his the 1st successor of the sanren sect

*why tf is it all the bottoms having successors? Bcuz power bottoms✊ wei siyun is a bottom since she's gonna end up with wen xu(not sure if I'm gonna do that but probably gonna happen) nhs is power bottom cuz his dating wen ning and mxy is dating and being a power bottom to judge xu in the underworld (mxy and nhs are besties for fresties)

*is the reason why I made jl the powerful one rather than lsz cuz of power bottom, yes yes I did😄

*is ljy like jl since his stronger than his husband zizhen? Yes yes he is😌

*will I ever post the next chapter of this? Probably not sure wait for a spark of inspiration maybe😉

Anyways see ya! Hope that sucky explanation helped lol

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