Stuck In The Past

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Timeline: cloud recesses

Characters : juniors

Ships: zhuilingyi,chanzi{Jin chan x ouaang zizhen} , xicheng, wangxian, and NHS x oc

Jinlings pov:

I was going to cloud recesses too meet up with my lovers and my friend with Jin chan. Cause we'll any excuse to get away from lanlig is welcome, But when we got there we were told by the a disciple that our lovers were in senior weis lab, we went there and instead of our lovers welcome what welcomed us a binding light and I covered my eyes. And then I felt like I was falling

Earlier with jingyi*

''Hey guys!'' I called both to my best friend and sizhui who was sitting who as sitting in the grass and playing with the bunnies. '' yes a-yi? '' sizhui said,''umm can u guys come with me into wei qianbeis lab?'', then zizhen said ''yea sure but why?''. ''cause I left one of my books there and if ur asking it is not a spring book it's where I write my notes in classes so can u guys help?'' I said to both of them, '' okay, sure'' they both said.

When we got there, we looked for my book but e couldn't find it, I was getting impatient becuz all my notes were in there not to mention we have a test tmr and I really need it, so I used my spiritual powers, and well that as a very very bad idea, note to self never ever use spiritual energies or any kinds of energies inside senior weis workshop.

Zizhen :

I was about to call out to a-yi when I heard sizhui shout '' a-yi!!'' and something crashing and a binding light appeared, and then I crashed.

3rd person*

All five of the, crashed on top of each other with zizhen on the ground and his friends on top of him.

And the people in the room except them gasp

'' uhhh guys can u get off of me? all of u are
heavy'' boy in nie robes said.
''we are not! Well maybe except younge
mistress'' said the boy in lan robes,
''I am not!! And if u have some sort of problem with me then just say so u jerk! And a-chain get ur fcking ass off of me!'' the boy In lanling Jin clan robes said.

'' Well if u would stay put and not move around then I would have already!!'' said the other boy who is also wearing jin clan robes,

'' come down guys and get up a - zhen is getting flattened by all of us ''said the boy who's also wearing lan robes and was mediating the other boys.

They finally got up but Jin chan, Jinling and jingyi were still arguing now with zizhen and sizhui mediating when...

Lqr:ahem? Excuse me but who are you?

Ljy:ehh?? Shifu?? Did u hit ur head or something that u couldn't recognize u great-grandson??

Lqr:my what? !? !?

Lsz:umm a-yi I don't think they know us yet...
Ljy:huh?? but why??
Oyz:umm a-yi remember the light?? We might have teleported or something but by looks of how young teacher lan looks like, I think we might have time travelled....

Jl:we did what now???!?!?!
Ljy:.... We're fcked
Lsz:a-yi no profanities

Lsz:anyways umm what year is it??

Surprisingly the one who answered was the younger version of the chief cultivator hanguang-jun

Lwj:say the yer 3 decades yrs ago*

{oK so I'm sorry idk what year was this is cause I haven't really paid attention to it In both drama and donghua and I haven't read the novel}

Oyz:were fvked
Lsz:I'm not even gonna scold u for that....
Jl:I'm gonna get hit ith zidian and banned from night hunatig aren't I?
Ly:m ot even gonna call u dramatic anymore since its true...

The four moped and forgot where they were making Jin chan the responsible one.

Jch:oh gods...
Jc: so are u gonna tell us who u are and here u might have come from??
Wwx:aiya! A-cheng slow down on the kids will yea??they looked lifeless
JC ignores him and continue to antagonised the unknown people.
But the junior ignored him while thinking of all the possible scenarios that might happen, even lan sizhui who is known to be composed seem to have lost it.

Nz:what... What if senior wei get Disappointed of us??
Ljy:oh gods pls noooooo his my lifeline!!!I can't live without him!! Especially the lessons that e can actually understand!? !? !? ! Even sizhui is depending on that and his the top student? !? !? !?? !!
Lsz:... I'm not even gonna deny that part...
Jl:no I refused to believe this! His still gonna spoil his son in law too right?? I have a leeway!
Ljy:have u forgotten?? when it comes to fairness especially in punishments there the same as baba he won't give into leeways!

Jch:oh!come on? !guys?? Pull ur self together!!just because u wont be his favorite students for a couple of months doesn't mean its the end??? cmon its wei wuxian the lenient teacher it's gonna be fine!

Ljy:you won't understand so shut up!!do you know how many rules I broke?? Once his protection is gone I'm gonna be at shifu and hanguang juns mercy!!!!!
Oyz:starts crying*waahhhh he won't give me special classes anymoreeeeee, I'm gonna failllll I don't wanna go to gusu for the 2nd time nowwwww
Lsz:murmur repeatedly *... No more night hunt lessons
Jl:Im not allowed to escape lanling for 3 months!!!1 a-chan do yk how annoying those old coots are.!?!??!??

Jch:....there goners sigh* he turns in front of everyone*I apologize for how my friends are masters... Their... Traumatised...

Wwx:okayyy can u explain who you are and why they keep,mentioning my name young master??

Jch:yes. But excuse me for awhile.

Jin chan went to his friend group slap the hell out of them which earned him a few gasps on who is the only ones left there who left earlier the only one staying behind were Jin zixuan, luo qing yang, the wen siblings, twin prides and jiang yanli, lastly the twin jade's with their father who left seclusion to handle this because his brother fainted.

Lan sizhui first got up next to Jin chan hie the others still a bit dazed from Jin chans slap and nudge from nz.

Lan sizhui:ahem sorry for how unproper we were we just wasnt ready for this... Anyways I know this might sound rediculous and untrue but can u masters promise not to say a word of this outside this room?

Lf:of course now can u please explain?

Lsz:ok zizhen put the silencing talismans the one that baba made pls.


Lsz:ok then masters and sect leader lan, we are from the future...

Lan sizhui said with a perfect lan bow.

And the room turns into chaos...

And done!I hope u guy like it and sorry if its short my mind needs to be inspired and well

ll I have been reading is time travel fic that are angst and I haven't slept yet so my mind is in Chaos nonetheless i hope u liked it!! And thank for the love and support I have been getting in this collection. I love u guy soo much!! Really, and goodbye and have a good day!! See u in the next chapter until then!!

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