Stuck In The Past Intro

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Hiiiii immm bck ith,my new kayboard ans ouse for fast typing and back on writing business babies anyways

OK for no confusion

~character initials~

Jin chan-jch
Ouyang zizhen/nie zizhen - oyz or nzh
Lan sizhui-lsz
Lan jingyi - ljy
Wei xinfei-wxf
Jiang ynli-jyl
Jin zixuan-jzx
Lan qiren - lqr
Nie mingjue-nmj
Jin gangyao-jgy/my
Wen ruohan - wnr
Wen qing- wnq
F wen ning-wqn
P Wen ning-wnn
Wen xu- wnx
Wen chao-wnc
Xue yang-xy
Xiao xingchen-xxc
Song an-sgl
A-qing-qq{qing qing}
Yu ziyuan-yzn
Jiang fengmian-jfn
Jin guangshan-jgn
Liu riushi/madm jin- lri/mjn
Mo xuan yu-mxy
Lan Feng(qiheng jun)-lf
F weiwuxian-wwx
P wei wuxian-wy
F lan wangji-lz
P lan wangji-lwj
F lan xichen-lxc
P lan xichen-lh
F jiang wanyin- jw
P jiang wanyin-jc
F Nie huaisang -hs{headshaker}
P nie huaisang-nhs

I'll add more if I add more characters

Oc info

Wxf is wwx Older sister who is a genius In making spiritual tools and a master in making medicine herbs, and has the ability to see the future by the age of 3 through a nightmares when wwx was born and since she was smart by the age of 6 she already knew that those nightmares aren't dreams but a premonition especially when she remembered her past life, all her memories from when she was reading her brothers life', her brother and sister in that life,her best friend who died getting caught in a gang crossfire, her other mother who died at a car crash when she was 23, her life as a successful pharmacist that has a side job as a programmer and a artist every memory she had until her accidental death by the age of 29 when some jealous college who wanted her position as the highest head and heir of a famous medical company put poison on her coffee one work shift and was given a 2nd chance in life in her favourite novel.

And that she was an anomaly in this world that she can bend the world to her favor bt with a price, not to mention her just being born here already bought all 3 worlds together in one.

So when she realised that she knew that she needs  to get erased or deemed as unescesary to the whole world, and since the sanren family has to be mastered the escence of balance of both spiritual and resentful energy which she accidentally mastered by the age of 5 when she wanted to make 2 cool whips that radiets purple glare and the other that radiets blood red glare

For fun in which she accidentally making both weapons deadly because whip 1 radiated purple lightning who can cripple one's cultivation {which is In the future known as zidian} while the can seal ur spiritual and will not allow  to use resentful energy at all even stygan iron won't do damage to it by the 2nd strike and by the 4th the receiver I'll be dead  {which he modified when she was 12 making it deadlier and her 2nd spiritual weapon}

While wwx wa always surrounded by resentful energy, she knew it was one of her fault so se persuaded her parents too thought to him was how to filter resentful and turn It spiritual which in turn he did unconsciously.

And since shes good at illusions and shape-shifting so every time they visit lotus pier or everyone in the cultivation she introduces herself as wwx and when wwx is not sick and is allowed to come with them she made him seem like her so when asked she just told the, that her sister has an illness, so the whole world only knows that the wei family has 2 children the oldest so week that she might never have a chance to cultivate aNd might die younge while the youngest is the one wh inherited the most of their parents as hes a genius kid and a promising talent in cultivation, and when her parents asked her why she as doing this she told them the half truth about her ability to glimpse at the future and that vague answers about It so they just her be.

Once their parents died at the age of 9 and 6, they looked for their grandma's dissapering mountain
In wxf failed attempt of keeping her baby brothers life safe.

When she lost him at the 2nd Yr of there time hopping from place to place with the money she made by selling off her spiritual weapons anonymously to sects by the name yin fei,
when they went to yilling to celebrate their parents death anniversary.

When they were at the borders of yilling near a river wwx got a fever so she went to the river to fetch some water to use and when she came near to where her brother was she saw dogs a lot of them and knowing wwx his scared of them so she went where she left him, and he was gone...

So she went back to yilling but no matter what she couldn't find him even when she went to lotus pier he wasn't there or she just wasn't allowed too see him, there was this some sort of border between her and wwx and no matter what she couldn't cross it cause if she does wwx lost more and more memories of her, and she knew that if he forgot everything about her, about there parents, her mother and his connection to the sanren family, it means her existence will cease to exist.

And then it hit her, that border that was splitting her away from her brother and making him forgot her, was a warning a warning that if she Dont stop her whole existence, her brothers memory of her, will be deleted from the world its the way of this world to right what was wrong.

If she won't stay away both her and her brother suffer 10 fold more by changing the story.
And by doing that someone or something bad will be sent her to that, it won't just be wen ruohan, the sushot campaign or meng yao anymore... Because there's always a consequence when 3 worlds merge together. And that creature thats being the wall to them is it.

So she stopped trying to meet her brother again, and went to the voice that was always calling for her the moment she got here...

the 5th forest, the door of the immortals...

she knew if she go there all her questions will be answered and she can help her brother once the time comes, especially when both of them are there,she was ready to be reborn again.

Not as wei yue courtesy xinfei the week oldest daughter of the wei family,
but as
Wei yue courtesy xinfei, Princess wei, heir of the 3 realms, the oldest daughter of taizi dianxia, and hua chenngzu...

Anyways this is wei xin feis back story on how she became hualians oldest daughter and later on how wwx became their youngest son. Hoped u liked it!!! Amd sorry if its a bit confusing.... And no I will not write there story in this book I'm making another book jusr for this its title will Be '' rebirth of wei xinfei''. If ur wondering how old did wxf went to the 5th forest? She was 15 while wwx was 12.

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