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                             -------------------------------------- ONE YEAR LATTER------------------------------

It's been one year. One amazing year with Max. We had so many amazing memories. He met my parents. My mom is obsessed with him. Every time I call her she asks about him not me. Also Rose got married with Tom Felton and became Rose Felton. The wedding was amazing, super romantic and fun. And also Max cried and I was laughing so hard.

But not everything is butterflies and roses. Recently Max was acting really weird. He started coming back from work super late like 11 p.m., but I understand that. He is training and trying to do his best during the race. During race weekends he doesn't come to me at all. If he sees me that I look at him he turns from me. At home, then someone calls him he goes to other room. I told everything to Maria and she said that he might want to start new chapter with me – he wants to propose me. I don't know why but I thought that this might be the case.

This weekend we have a race in France. Max was working super hard, so I decided not to bother him for this time. I was doing my job and he was doing his. I was looking at Maxs qualification times and suddenly I got a text saying "Hey love! Tonight I am taking you somewhere special. Be ready at 6 p.m. love you!" I got butterflies in my stomach from his text.

Then I came back to my hotel room, I quickly started preparing for tonight. I did my simple make-up and straightened my hair. After that I started going through my clothes and took light white satin top and simple black jeans.


Then I came down to the lobby to meet Max

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Then I came down to the lobby to meet Max. And what I can say he looked handsome as HELLLLLLL.

"Hey gorgeous!" he gave a kiss to my cheek. "Lets go?" I nodded and we walked to his car.

"Where are we going?"

"You will see" he answered and kissed back of my hand.

We drove to a restaurant near the beach. It was super romantic place. We ate and talked. Suddenly, Max started staring at me.

"What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?"

"No, Love you are perfect." He smiled and started talking again. "I just wanted to tell you how proud I am. I am so thankful that I have you. I am so happy that you showed up in my life and made me a better person then I was." I started tearing up then he was talking and suddenly he took something from a pocked and kneeled down on one knee "Y/N, I wanted to ask this from the first time I saw you but I am saying just now. Will you marry me and be Mrs. Verstappen?" He was crying too.


"YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said and kissed him

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"YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said and kissed him.

We celebrated our engagement back at hotel and went to sleep, because he will have important day tomorrow – race day.

Then I woke up, Max was already gone. I put my uniform and took my computer and bag and went with Rose to the track. While we were driving I talked with Rose.

"Hey, Rose, I have to tell you something."

"What's going on Y/N? Don't scare me"

"Don't worry. Everything is amazing. I wanted to tell you that yesterday I got engaged with Max."

"WHHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTT????????" Rose started screaming

"That's amazing." Rose was super happy.

When I came to the garage I saw Max and Gianpiero. They looked at me and smiled. Gianpiero came to me and hugged me "Congratulations!!!"

"Thank you so much, Gianpiero"

I went straight to my computer and started looking and data. I worked a bit and went to have my dinner. Afterwards I went to Maxes drivers room to wish him luck.

"Maxyyyyy" I said then I walked in his drivers room

"My love! I missed you" He said to me and hugged my tightly.

"How are you feeling? Nervous?" I asked

"I am so nervous today, but I am feeling good. What about you?"

"I am nervous for you, but I am excited. I wanted to tell you good luck today." I kissed him

"Thank you, fiancé" He smiled at me and kissed me. I kissed him last time and walked out his drivers room.

The race was intense, but everything went pretty well. Max won P2!!! I was one super proud fiancé. Then he got out of car he went to put his helmet and then he came up to me and gave the biggest kiss ever.

"I love you!!!" he basically shouted in my ear, because of everyone was shouting around us. I watched how he was awarded and I was crying like a baby. I was SUPER proud.

After the ceremony he went to his drivers room and I went to engineers meeting. The meeting wasn't that boring but it was tiring. Then the meeting ended I went to meet Max at Red Bulls cafeteria. I walked through the doors and started walking to Maxs room. Then I turned around the corner, my heart sunk, because I saw.....

Engineer of hearts / Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now