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"Daniel? What are you doing here?" I was surprised. The last thing what I expected was Daniel sitting on my bed at my parent's house.
"Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling?" Daniel asked. His eyes were red. I think he was crying. But why?

*Daniel's flashback*

"You did what!?" I asked Max. I was furious and mad on him. Max stayed quiet.

"How dared you?! You cheated on your fiancé! FIANCE! She loved you, she forgave you then you kissed another girl! You are such a dick, Max!"

"Daniel, I know, okay!? She was always working, she hadn't had time for me. That did I have to do? I wanted to feel love, thrill and that happiness witch I was feeling with her at the biggening of our relationship"

"She was working for you! She wanted you to be happy, she wanted you to win! Everything was just for you! And you broke her heart!" I shouted to him but he was just sitting there with no words.

I was mad. I was furious. She is so fragile. I was thinking about her, how she was filling after this situation. I wanted to see her.

I walked out of Max's room and called Y/N. Her phone was turned off. I started thinking of the worst. I ran to the garage, to my engineer.

"Simon, there is Christian?!"

"Umm, I think in his office. What's going on?"

"Thanks, I will explain everything later."

I quickly ran to Christian's office and opened the door.

"Where is Y/N?!" I asked



"She flew back to France, to visit her parents"

I heard that Christian asked me something then I ran out. I didn't hear it because I was running to my car. I came back home, packed my suitcase, and headed to the airport. Then I was waiting for my plane, I was thinking about Y/N. I was so stupid. Why didn't I tell her about my feelings earlier? I am so in love with her. She is so smart, so beautiful, so kind. And she was hurt by that asshole. I wanted to tell her, but I found out that she was with Max. Second time, then he made out with that girl and they broke up, I wanted to do the same, go to her and tell about my feelings, but she forgave him. Then I was thinking about it, I didn't fell how my eyes started watering.

I booked in the hotel and called Rose.

"Hey, Rose. How are you?"

"Hi, Daniel. I'm good. What about you?"

"I am fine. Look, Rose, can I ask you a favor?"

"Um, sure. What's up?"

"Do you know with who Y/N is close with? I mean her best friend or something."

"Maria is her best friend"

"Do you have any contact with her? Number, facebook, instegram, anything."

"I have her Instagram."

"Can you send me it?"

"Sure, but what is happening, Daniel?"

"I will explain later, Rose, okay?"


"Bye, Rose"

I ended the call and dm'ed Maria.

Next day I woke up early and went to Y/N parents house. Her parents gladly invited me to come in. As I came to her room with a mug of coffee, I thought of the situation. And as I was thinking, tears started flowing down my cheeks. But suddenly she started shifting in bed and I wiped the tears down.

*End of Daniel's flashback*

"I am feeling better. As I assume you, you know what happened..."

"Well, yes. Look, Y/N, we need to talk about something."

"Dan, I know that you want to talk and everything, but I really want to eat"

Daniel started laughing.

"I have a suggestion: Let's go eat and after that I will take you for a tour in Paris and there we can talk about what you want. How does it sound for you?"

"Perfect for me" Daniel smiled.

He was something. I didn't understand, what washe doing here. But his gesture changed something inside me towards him. Am Icatching feelings for him?

Engineer of hearts / Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now