2. The bright red chaos

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"I'm going now dad!" Aileen yelled from the door, even though she kind of already reckoned he would probably not even notice. Angie would have to remind him a few times. Aily didn't bother to answer Angie who instead of her father yelled her goodbyes and be carefuls after her as she let the door slam close an panting lifted up her luggage carrying it down the fancy stairs that ended at the similarity fancy driveway. Aileen knew very well that she was very privileged, her father was a wealthy business man and she had gotten the opportunity to grow up behind the secure walls of his gated mansion after her mother had needed some time to herself. It was supposed to be temporary at first, but as the years flew by Aileen has slowly started to accept that what was supposed to last maybe a year would eventually turn into forever, or at least until she would be old enough to move to her own place. Aileen didn't really like to think about that though, instead she liked to dwell on the memories of her living in that two bedroom apartment beside Dean's place. Those days of her mother and bestfriend sitting around the same breakfast table tasting her six year old self's weird 'cookings' still managed to bring a smile to her lips, although lately they had started to feel like distant dreams, like photographs fading with time, losing the colors. Taking another quick look she wondered when exactly her dad would notice that she was gone, if it would take him hours or even a day or two. It wasn't as if he didn't love her, she knew he loved her more than anything. Samson Mesman was the best dad a girl could ask for. He was funny and nice and when her mom used to talk about him on those few rare occasions back in time she always remembered to remind Aily that her dad was a sweetheart, the best human being she knew. There was a weird tension when Samson and Roz were in the same room, it didn't happen often, but those two times it had happened even Aileen could tell there was a lot she didn't know about her parents' old relationship. All she really knew was that they had broke up before she even was born, them not being a them was all Aily knew. Watching back she saw Angie smiling at her, waving enthusiastically to her but instead of waving back Aily turned her eyes back to the gate where she could notice Remy's white Toyota Corolla make its way through. It was not that Aily disliked Angie, no, Angie was sweet but most of the days she tried way too hard. Her dad had married Angie two years after Aileen had moved in with them. They had been engaged as long as Aily could remember. Not that she had much memories of them before that ominous day almost ten years ago. Remy pulled up besides Aily and Aily finally turned back to give Angie a nod before she helped Remy stuff her luggage in to back seat only holding onto her small backpack that would make its debute as hand luggage.

"Jeez Als, what did you take with you? That thing could possibly cost us our lives... it's heavier than a truck driving an elephant." Remy joked as she turned on the engine and drove carefully out of the driveway. After getting out of the property and the sight of Angie Mesman, it was back to Remy's careless driving again. Windows open, music blaring through the speakers, and stepping heavily on the gas, it seemed like Remy wanted to let the world know exactly how loud she could be, and fast.

"I don't wanna die Remy." Aily managed to yell over the music before she reached out and turned down the volume.

"Kill joy." Aily heard Remy mutter. There was a small break before a teasing smile broke onto Remy's slim face. Aily glared at her supposed friend who would most likely state something not worth stating. Remy was her polar opposite. Where she was timid and quiet, always thinking things through, Remy went through her life living as loudly as possible. Her whole being with her platinum blond shortcut hair with the lone red spot in the front and her yellowish eyes made her look as daring as she was. Aily would bet that there was not much that would frighten Remy, Remy knew what she wanted and what she seemed to want was to keep her distance from everyone but Aily and do as much crazy stuff as she had the time to. In the begging of high school it had been a problem. Aily being a year younger than both Remy and her best friend Dean had ran into Remy as she was trying to navigate the high school corridors. She had been furious, Dean had promised her to show her around but he was missing which was not really a surprise. When Aily would find him and give him a piece of her mind he would probably be sitting somewhere, camera in hand catching those magical moments he seemed to be so afraid of missing. Or maybe he would have been somewhere with Chantal, the girl he had been dating at the time. Dean's relationships never worked in the end, which had been the case with Chantal as well. Aily didn't always understand, but that day a few years back she had had an idea of what possibly could be the reason for Dean's failure of a love life. Long story short she had run into Remy, who had not exactly showed her around, but given her some much needed advice. They had bonded on their mutual hate of the goof, as Remy had put it. The only thing was that Aily didn't really hate Dean and she had a feeling that neither did Remy. "You excited about the trip." Remy teased knowing fully well Aily hated traveling. Not receiving and answer the cheeky smile only grew as a spark lit in Remy's eyes. "Yeah that's right, planes."

"I take back what I said, I think I am ready to die." Aily groaned not caring to really answer Remy stupid teasing.

"Oh don't be melodramatic, Greece is going to be fun." Remy chuckled and Aily shook her head from side to side.

"I don't see the point of this trip and you still force me to go."

"Well to be honest I didn't, your mom did or your dad...do you think he is overjoyed to have you out from the house. It must be ages since he last got to..." Aily knew Remy far too well to know where exactly this was going, Remy lacked a filter, more often than not. Mostly on purpose.

"No. Stop it, thank you for that image..." Aily groaned, trying to force Remy's words out of her head.

"Well you are right... the house is big enough for ..."

"REMY!" Aily shrieked as Remy burst out laughing her head of. She really needed new friends.

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