Chap 8 "Powers"

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Ally's POV

"Steve, we almost just died and you're telling me to confide in you?" I asked. "I practically just saved your life."

"How'd you know he was going to shoot?" Steve asked. "That's all I want to know. How did you know?"

"Steve, I'll tell you when I'm ready," I replied. I left the room and went to the bedroom that Natasha had set up for me. She was in there waiting. "He asked the question."


"I couldn't tell him," I sighed. "Not yet anyways."

"Ally, you guys are getting married. I think it's really time for him to know," Natasha sighed. "I understand you don't know how to explain it, other than the fact you were born with it, but he deserves to know."

"I don't want him to think I'm a freak."

"We're all freaks," Natasha stood up. "I'm a former Russian spy, your dad was a SHIELD agent, and we literally have the God of Thunder out there." I looked at her. "The man you're about to marry fought in World War Two. You got a magic doctor and you even dated Loki, who was our villain at one point in time."

"Loki's been different ever since the time variant," I sighed as I sat down. "More understanding and does a lot more listening than doing."

"So, what are you going to do with Steve?"

"I gotta somehow explain to him I have super hearing, without it being super hearing. Also, how I can somewhat see the path people are on while they're on it. Unless they change their mind then the path changes," I sighed. "But I never used any of it unless I had to. Like at the resort. I knew housekeeping didn't run after five so something was off." I looked at Natasha. "He's known me for a year and a half and this is a lot to throw on him."

"He's very understanding," Natasha replied.

"Ally," Dad walked in and hugged me. "I heard what happened. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Dad," I sighed. I gave Natasha a signal and she left the room. "Dad, I had to use my hearing."

"Ally," Dad sighed.

"No, Dad, the guy had a gun. If I didn't, I would've gotten hurt," I replied. "Except, now Steve is asking questions about it and —" I stopped and Dad looked at me. "And —"

"And what?" Dad asked.

"I think it's time to call a meeting," I stated. We walked out to the living room and everyone was talking. It got quiet when I got there. "I know a lot of you have questions that only my dad, Natasha, and myself can answer. So, I'm calling an official family meeting."

"Oh, so now we're a family, are we?" Loki asked.

"That's what I said," I replied. "So, I have this thing where I can hear things if they're within a certain range." I looked at all of them. "Like earlier, I knew we were going to get at because I heard the clicking of his gun. I knew Sam was gonna be catching us if we jumped. That ability is seeing the path that people are on. If they change their mind, then the path changes."

"How long have you known about your abilities?" Tony asked.

"Hard to say," Dad stated. "She didn't make a lot of sense when she was younger. When she was ten, we knew she was different."

"Dad secretly started working with me, trying to understand what my abilities were," I added. "Mom didn't like the fact that I was different. Said that I was worthless. As long as I didn't use my powers around her, I'm the perfect child." I shrugged. "I guess I got used to the fact to hide my abilities. Only because we never know who's watching."

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