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"Do you trust me" Andy asked

You did trust him, but without the protection of the group you and him werent safe. You've been with him almost a month now and hes been gone alot.

But it all comes with progress

"I do" you said

"I need you to go back to the house, Lonny will tell you anything if you get to him" he said

"So you want me to pretend I like him so he tells me why they've been bringing new people in" you asked

"I've noticed cc isn't there anymore, your parents aren't either. If you can get him to fess up we'll be able to stop this" he said

"I don't think it'll work, look at me Andy I'm almost 5 months pregnant. No one wants this" you said

He put his hands on your stomach and smiled at you

"He'd be a fool to reject you" he said before kissing your forehead

"But how am I going to get him to just spill everything" you said

"With this" he said holding up a small vile

"What is that" you said

"It's a truth serum, I bought it on the black market from a friend of mine" he said

"That stuff only works in movies babe" you said

He lifted his eyebrow at you and handed it to you

"Just mix it into a drink for him and come back and tell me if this is just for movies" he said


He parked some ways away from the house and he kissed you before you got out. You were hoping this plan would work.

As you approached the door some guys came out from around the the side

"Hey what do you want who are you"

"I'm here for Lonny" you said

"I think she's lying"

They grabbed you up and you could see Andy sitting in the car watching with fear in his eyes. There was nothing he could do because you agreed to do this knowing what was at risk

You started kicking your legs and one of the guys when for his side so you called out for Lonny

It only took a couple times for him to come rushing out the door

"What the hell are you man handling her for can't you see she's pregnant" he said

They let you go and you ran to him. You looked at the car and seen Andy nod to you, you knew it was time to start

"What are you doing here" he asked

"I had to leave, he's gone crazy. Taking you guys down has ruined his mind" you said

"It's ok, come on let's go inside" he said

You jumped as he put his hand on your lower back, no other guy has ever touched you like that

When you went inside there was a bunch of people standing in the living room and when they seen you they just looked at you

"This is storm, remember ive told you about her" Lonny said

"So she's the one"

Why did he tell these strangers about you

"Can we go somewhere private" you said

You grabbed his arm and he looked down at you

"Oh of course" he said

He took you upstairs to the room you used to stay in and he closed the door. You went and sat on the the bed and he sat next to you

"Can I get you something to drink" he asked

"A water is fine" you said

He walked over to the small cooler in the corner and he started going through it, you picked through your pocket and pulled out the vile Andy gave you

Lonny came back with the drinks and to your surprise he had them in cups

So when he set them down you knocked yours over so he'd be distracted while you poured the stuff in his.

Its supposed to have no flavor so hopefully he won't notice

"Here, be careful don't drop this one" he said

He sat back down and you watched as he picked up his glass. Slowly he started drinking it and now you had you just wait

As he finished he moved closer to you putting his hand on your leg

This was unacceptable to you but you needed to keep it together

"You know I think about you alot" he said

"I've heard you've been a big shot lately, starting your own group and all that" you said running your finger up his arm

You needed to keep your cool and get him to speak on stuff

"Oh yeah, I've become the new leader" he said

"I like that" you said

"And now with you here I can start my new era" he said

"But I'm already pregnant" you said

"We'll take care of that" he said

"Wheres Jake and cc" you said

"They didn't want to follow so we took care of them. We turned them into the police" he said

"Then who are all these people" you asked

"We're going to take control over this town. With this army we will be unstoppable" he said

You couldn't believe he was saying this. It was like he lost it. The town didn't have a strong enough police force to take on a huge group of people

You could see the hunger in his eyes, the destruction. He was willing to put you through hell to get to the top.

This was enough information, from this you could help Andy get to the bottom of all this. It was time to get out of here

"Thanks for the info Lonny" you said

He looked confused for a second but he didn't get a second thought on it before you hit his pressure point causing him to go unconscious

You headed out past the guards but they sensed the suspicion and came after you. Andy wasn't far away, he drove up quickly and opened the passenger door

He sped off without looking back

"So what did you find out " he said

"Lonny is calling himself the new leader and he said he's going to eliminate the future of your blood" he said

"Shit. He was always waiting for his chance to over power me but I have a plan" he said

"And he turned cc and Jake over to the authority" you said

You noticed the anger in Andy's eyes.

"I hope your ready for a road trip" he said

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