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All of the clanker droids were cleared out and the Battle on Kaller was over. The biggest rattler of the day had soon been figured out. The batch found out the clones had been ordered to execute all of the Jedi because they had supposedly committed treason. Hunter knew he had to find out exactly what was going on and fast.

Tech and Echo were piloting the batch's ship back to their home planet that is Kamino. The planet was soon in sight.

"We're coming up on Kamino" Tech announced.

"Ah, it's good to be coming home" Wrecker breathed out a sigh of relief, "how long's it been?"

"One hundred and eighty rotations in a standard cycle, but galactic zone changes put the adjusted figure at about two hundred and five" Tech explained with no trouble. Wrecker just stared back at him confused with the mention of those numbers.

"What?" he questioned. Echo let out a sigh.

"A long time" he replied to Wrecker. Meanwhile Hunter and Crosshair we're being quiet between each other. Until Crosshair made the first move of speaking up.

"Are you sure that Jedi died when he fell?" he skeptically questioned towards Hunter.

"Sure I'm sure" Hunter was able to put the lie out once so far, "why?"

"Usually when someone falls you look down, not across."

"Some of us don't like to watch" Hunter got up from his seat and walked closer to the the front of the cockpit to the main control console. Crosshair only leaned back more into his chair crossing his arms across his chest.

They continued to fly towards Kamino when out from behind the Marauder to the front of the ship came two battle ready ships.

"Unidentified transport, transmit your clearance code" a voice rang out.

"Clearance code?" Echo questioned, "Don't they know who we are?"

"Must be a protocol drill" Tech concluded. He transmitted their code over and they were all clear for landing in the docking bay. The gang made their way through the bay towards the entrances to the main corridors, but something didn't seem right at all.

"Shocktroopers?" Hunter pondered out loud, "What's the Coruscant guard doing here?" They then heard the voice over the speakers.

"Level five lockdown remains in effect, security teams report to the command center."

"This isn't a drill" Tech informed.

"Aw man, what'd we miss now?" said Wrecker, sounding defeated due to the possibility of missing the opportunity to cause more destruction somewhere.

"The end of the war," one of the incoming shocktroopers responded.

"Say again trooper" Hunter replied calmly.

"General Grievous has been defeated on Utapau. The Separatist leadership has collapsed. The war is over." The trooper kept moving along when the batch noticed more of the shocktroopers carrying back a covered body on a stretcher. A lightsaber then fell from under the covering onto the floor. It was picked up by a following trooper. Hunter almost looked pained by the sight of a dead Jedi.

"Is there a problem?" the trooper questioned.

"No, no problem at all. We'll just head back to our barracks then."

"You best hurry, there's a mandatory meeting coming up presented by the Emperor himself at 0500." So then the boys began to make their way through the halls to their room area. Things still felt strange.

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