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The evening hours of the day were approaching as the gang was gathered down in the cockpit looking at a map of the nearby planets around them. Hunter wanted to find the best place for all of them to be able to really settle down and lay-low with all of the heat that was on them from everything that's been going on.

"Where have you been thinking Hunter?" Ryla asked.

"Not sure, kid, we're still looking around." They kept looking at the map reading about some planets. Then Hunter was able to point out a possibility.

"Idaflor, that's where we can go."

"But Idaflor's not even inhabited" Wrecker said.

"Exactly, that'll make it a good option for laying low off the radar."

"So I take it we can't do any exploring today?" Ryla asked casually.

"Nah, not today, Ryla. Sorry kiddo. We can't risk too much with all the heat on us."

"Well the reality is we won't be doing either" Tech then brought up, "we don't have enough fuel and we are entirely out of rations. Without the Republic to provide us with supplies we'll have to aquire these necessities on our own."

"And now we have a bigger problem" Echo spoke up as he came out from the secondary control room with a datapad.

"Comm chatter has our ships signature on a wanted list" he said.

"So then we scramble it" Tech simply concluded.

"You can do that?" Wrecker asked.

"Of course I can do it, but we need to land the ship in order for me to perform those modifications. By my calculations the closest planet is Pantora."

"All right then, Pantora it is" Hunter agreed.

"Oh hold up you guys" Ryla said before they all started to split off to get ready to land, "y'all are gonna have to wait for me before we land. I'm not even dressed for the day yet."

Ryla just realized she never changed out of her night time clothes from bed last night. They all smiled at her.

"All right go get changed silly girl" Hunter said as he walked past her, putting a hand on her head lightly ruffling her hair, "we won't leave you behind when we land the ship. We'll wait for you."

"Okay, I'll be back down in a minute" she replied with a smile. She ran through the ship hall and up to her room and closed the tall curtains that acted as the doorway into her room.

"What am I even doing with my life right now?" Ryla laughed to herself as she started throwing on one of her normal outfits talking to herself with a smile on her face.

"Its the middle of the day and I'm not even dressed. Who knows what totally unplanned action is gonna get thrown at me? Maybe we'll have to go to some jungle planet or something and find some random relic and fight some ravage blood-thirsty beast. Or maybe get stranded in a hot desert in the middle of no where. Or I might just get kidnapped by some random stranger, who knows?" Ryla talked to herself like this often to keep herself mentally ready for the day, it helped made herself feel comfortable.

Ryla soon had on her thinner black pants, a white short-sleeved shirt, and her pair of good black outdoor shoes. She went and opened her doorway curtains since she was done changing.

Ryla then stepped in front of the tall mirror that was just her height that Tech built for her for her room.

That was where she would do her checklist of her usual weapons that she always kept on herself. At least what she could keep on her from her escape off of Kamino.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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