Cut and Run Part 2

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Ryla was sitting in one of the seats in the cockpit with her blanket wrapped around herself and taking a nap, letting her leg rest.

Tech and Echo were not too far from the cockpit but had no idea she was on the ship with them. The two clones were discussing how they were going to get their hands on some chain codes.

"It's ironic, clones wanted names instead of numbers yet now people are signing up to be given numbers."

"It's also ingenious" Tech said, "you could create a database to identify anyone in the galaxy."

"Glad you're impressed, but where are we going to find the data for these chain codes? And the disks?"

"Already thought of that. Clones now control the spaceport, there we can tap into their network and replicate the codes. Hunter said they're tagging ships inside their impound facility. That is our way in." Echo at first wasn't sure about the sound of that idea.

"You're suggesting we call the authorities and have them seize our ship?"

"Exactly." But then Echo began to think more on Techs side.

"You know, I guess if they think it's abandoned that just might work." Tech commed Hunter through their individual comm devices and told him the plan. But Hunter wasn't happy with the plan.

"You did what?!" Hunter ran outside to see the Havoc Maurader being picked up by one of the big transport ships.

"Tech," Hunter growled though the comm.

"This was the simplest solution" Tech concluded.

"Getting my ship impounded is not my idea of a solution!" Hunter hollered back.

"We'll meet you at the spaceport with the chain codes. I have this under control" Tech said calmly.

"Except for one problem" Hunter started, "Ryla's on the ship and that's not where I wanted her later for this mission!" Echo and Tech looked at each other with surprised eyes then ran down to find her. They went to the cockpit first. She was still sleeping in the chair.

"We'll take care of it Hunter, she'll be fine with us, over and out" Tech causally said really fast before his upset sergeant could keep yelling at him.

"Echo wake her up and make sure she knows what's going on. If everything goes as planned she could help us get those chain codes. I'll let you know when they're landing the ship. We'll have to get out fast cause clones are gonna come searching around it once it's landed."

"Got it." Echo turned to Ryla.

"Ryla, you need to wake up now." She immediately woke up with surprised eyes hearing Echos urging voice.

"What's going on?"

"You remember what Hunter said you were gonna help him with about the mission?"

"Um, yeah?"

"Well that plans changed, you're helping me and Tech now."

"What? What do you mean?" Then she saw out the window.

"Echo, where are we?"

"We let them seize and impound the ship and we're gonna get closer to getting those chain codes."

"Guys! The ship is being landed now, come on!" Tech warned.

"Let's get up in here," Tech pointed up to a spot that led up side the main air duct of the ship. They opened it up as Echo climbed up into it first.

"You're next kid" Echo told her. Tech picked her up and Echo grabbed her hands and helped pull her up. Tech got himself up after then closed the space back up. Tech put a finger up to the mouth of his helmet signaling Ryla to stay quiet as clonetroopers started coming aboard the ship.

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