Cut and Run Part 1

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"Tech, how's it coming with the coordinates?" Hunter checked with Tech.

"We're heading straight for Saleucami. We'll be there soon."

"Alright, good. Keep watching and make sure we stay on course."

"Not a problem."

"Hey Hunter, you might wanna come see this" Echo chimed coming up from the lower level of the Marauder.

Hunter followed Echo back down and found Wrecker and Ryla sleeping on the floor near each other.

"Well this is a first" Hunter said.

"Inspecting every corner of the ship with Wrecker finally tired her out. She said it was her first time on a ship like this so she made sure Wrecker showed her every corner" Echo replied.

"Yeah? She's very curious I'll give her that."

"There's still more than just curiousity on her side, she's all types of things. I never expected to see her be able to shoot a blaster like that back on-" Echo paused his sentence but then continued, "back on Kamino when-"

"Yeah, I know what you're saying Echo. She seems like she can hold her own ground whenever she wants to."

"But still Hunter, she's a child, still really young. Just what are we going to do with her?" The two looked back down at Ryla, sighing.

'What are we gonna with her?' Hunter thought to himself again.

"I think what I mean is" Echo continued, "there's no where else for her to go. What other place in the galaxy is there where she would be safe? I mean, the best place for her now is probably here. With the only other few clones like her."

"You're probably right Echo. We'll figure it out as we go."

"Hunter, we're coming right up on Saleucami" Tech called.

"Alright looks like we're getting ready to land," confirmed Hunter, "wanna get these two up and running again?"

"Yeah, sure." Echo got down closer to Ryla to wake her up.

"Ryla, come on" he grabbed her shoulder and was able to easily shake her awake, "wake up kiddo."

"Mmm, hi Echo" she yawned out, stretching her arms. She then saw Wrecker asleep too.

"Wrecker wake up!" she said louder. He wasn't budging yet. Echo got an idea.

"Did Tech tell you we're landing on a planet you've never seen yet?" She gasped with surprise.

"Oh my gosh, are you serious?" She excitedly turned back to Wrecker and out her hands on his shoulders trying to get him up.

"Wrecker, come on! You gotta wake up, we're going to another planet!" He finally jolted awake.

"Huh-? Wha-? What's with all the excitement? What am I missing?" Ryla grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up.

"Come on, get up, get up! It's time to go, we gotta-"

"Okay, easy Ryla, haha" Echo chuckled, "you got him up, he's coming."

The gang gathered by the entrance of the ship, ready to step out.

"You ready for this?" Hunter asked Ryla, "You've never been off Kamino have you?"

"No, I'm ready to see it."

"Alright, let's get going then." The ship entrance opened as walkway ramp went down to the group. Ryla was amazed. The place was beautiful. She was seeing things she'd never seen before in her life.

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