Episode 14: Check The Colors

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"Very busy day today, Lily." Eda said as she stuffed her mouth with unlucky charms.

"Mhm, how so?" Lilith just barely glanced up from her scroll to look at Eda.

"Luz is getting her shots today. I didn't want to do it, but I guess you have to when they're young and vulnerable?" Eda narrowed her eyes as she read her parenting book.

"Well, yeah. She's already a year old. She needs her shots, her eyes checked..." Lilith eyed Eda's fang. "Her... fang? Checked."

"Yeah. I know. I wonder if human children need different vaccinations than us?"

"Well, probably. Depends if they have different diseases than us. Shouldn't matter though, so long as she isn't going into the human realm and catching any of their..." Lilith shivered. "Nasties."

Eda nodded, taking another bite. "Say, where is that little stinker anyway? Haven't seen her or King since they left the table."

"Yeah... I do suppose it is a little quiet."

Eda and Lilith shared a worried glance. "Too quiet."

They both jumped from their seats and scurried into the living room.

There, they found King and Luz, markers in hand, drawing all over the wall and themselves.

"KING!" Eda yelled. King jumped at the voice and looked over. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP AN EYE ON LUZ!"

"I mean... your mistake trusting me." King shrugged.

"Wow. You ungrateful little-"

"Just-" Lilith sighed and rubbed her temples. "Go get Luz cleaned up. I will handle this mess."

"What about-"

"And... I will also clean King."

Eda picked Luz up and placed her on her hip. Luz - marker in hand - attempted to draw on Eda's face, before it was took from her.

"No you don't." Eda commented, taking the marker. Luz whined, reaching for it.

"Mine! Mineee!"

Eda sighed. "You are getting to become really mouthy, aren't ya?" Eda carried Luz into the bathroom where she proceeded to clean Luz up.

Lucky for Eda, Luz had cooperated enough to get cleaned in a short span of time. Unlucky for Eda, Luz had gotten cranky and decided that it was naptime.

Eda dressed Luz as casually and comfortably as possible, and carried the whining toddler into the living room where Lily was waiting.

"Finally. We're going to be late. Let's go." Lily said, rushing to grab Ravioli.

"Just let me-"

Lily presented the diaper bag to Eda, making her sigh in relief. Before Lily began to stay with them, Eda had kept Luz's things tucked away in her hair. It was convenient, but Lily argued that it wasn't practical. Or sanitary, for that matter.

Nonetheless, they 4 were out the door in not a minute less.

Lilith perched Ravioli on her shoulder, and allowed Eda to fly them. Lilith held Luz close - with King on her shoulder - so that Eda could steer.


Eda tapped her foot impatiently in the waiting room. Luz's giggles filled her hearing as she played with another child in the lobby.

Eda would admit, she was hesitant to bring Luz. Not because she didn't want Luz to have her shots, but more so the fact that the Emperor was high on their tail. She just thought it would be better to lay low for a little while.

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