Ch. 8

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The night before the incident

Mew was lying alone on his bed but there was something strange he felt he wants to go outside but the other side of his self that he doesn't go until he decided to go outside for making sure to himself that nothing he was afraid of but he saw a man far away from walking to the sea, for Mew it was normal to go to sea but he changed his mind when he saw the empty can of beer.

"Are you kidding me?" Mew whispered.

he immediately ran to the man trying to end his life, but when he saw the face Mew was let go of the hand of the man he holding.

"You again? what the hell happened to you?" He asks the guy but it doesn't reply so give a CPR until the guy was kissing him back so he pushed him but there was a strange feeling to him, when he kissed the guy, there was a spark to him.

"Casey! yoo boilshet!" gulf screaming.

"Wierd." Mew left him and he went to the condo, he changed his cloth.


Mew wake up because of his phone ringing when he saw his assistant's number he off his phone and back to sleep, after a long hour he wakes up again, he checked his phone 19 calls and 20 messages but he ignores it.

"Until here they disturb my vacation," Mew said with an irritated voice, then he came down to the resort venue to eat breakfast.

"Did you know about the guy yesterday?" He heard talking behind him,

"Casey, friend?"

"Yes, he was planning to kill himself " Mew remembers everything, and thanks to mew if he didn't see that guy for sure it was now dead.

"I was hoping he didn't save that day he almost gets my boyfriend at his friend's wedding." Mew was shocked when he heard what they talking about.

Mew was done eating his breakfast he is now walking when he saw the man walking to him for Mew he was continued to walk but that guy walked him passed so he grabbed the guy's hands. 

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