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"Thorn! No!" Mew shout to his brothers, his brother was running on the highway.

He chases his brother but it's was late because his brother is hit by a Car, for Mew it was his fault.

2 hours before the incident.

They went to the party and everybody is Invited including him and his brother Thorn. He greeted his Classmates and friends.

"Mew," Thorn called him, so he approached his brother.

"This Is Pai my Girlfriend, Pai my little brother." He scratches his brother's hair.

"Thorn stop, I'm not little," Mew said with embarrassment on his face.

They stop talking when someone caught attention to the man shouting at the stage and everyone is laughing.

"Thanks for everyone to come with my birthday party and for my best friend thorn, being a Varsity player of the University and the Role model of the University, congrats on your hard work" San rose his Wine. "For Thorn!"

And everyone is clapping. "Wow, thank you all, let's have fun!" Thorn scream.

When everybody is enjoying the party Mew was standing alone on the balcony he was turn around when someone is speaking to him behind.

"Why are you here?" Pai asks.

"Nothing, I'm just want to be alone," Mew said he's holding a can of beer.

"Oh, May I join you?" Pai asks, Mew was just second thought, he wants to be alone but it seems she's kind and she's his brother's girlfriend, so Mew nodded.

After a long hour they talking Pai kissed Mew which is he was shocked.

"What the hell!" Mew pushed Pai.

"I thought you liked me?" Pai said with an irritated on his voice.

"You're my Bothers girlfriend, why would I like you?" Mew said with a frowning on his face.

They stopped talking when thorn punched him on his face and everyone is looking at them.

"You! How dare you flirt with my girlfriend!" The tone of his voice was angry.

"It's not what you think, She kissed me." Mew was telling the truth, but Thorn looks at Pai.

"It's not true babe, he was kissed me and he said that he will surely, get me." Pai was faking her Crying he hugs, thorn. "I'm scared." Acting like she is the victim.

"Let's talk." He grabbed mew and they went outside of the mansion.

"Thorn, I'm telling the truth, she was lying to you, she wants you because you are the star of the University," Mew said while they walking.

"What, do you think I'm stupid to believe you if I breaking with her, you have a chance to make her your Girlfriend it's that what you want, traitor!" He grabbed his brother's collar, the tension of anger with his brother was higher.

"No, you're my brother, I don't do that" Thorn was running, he was drunk, so Mew was chasing his brother.

"Thorn!, No! "


A loud sound and everyone is shouting "call ambulance, there was a man hit by a Car!"

He never saw the one that responsible for his brother accident, the car was left so he run fast to see his brother, He was hoping that it's not his brother but Mew was shocked he's gasping and his heart was beating fast, he was crying seeing his brother was cover in blood.

"Thorn, wake up!" He said but thorn was not responding.

"Thorn!" He shouts.

When they went to the hospital the doctor said death on arrival.

"No! Thorn!" He makes a scene in the hospital he was crying out loud.

5 years later.

He was standing at his brother's grave it feels like to him was the day of his brother's death.

"I should ignore her, I should say to her I want to be alone, I know it's was my fault, I'm sorry brother but I fulfill your dream to become actor, and here I am." He wiped his tears.

"Excuse me, Mew suppasit, can we take a picture?" The girl asks he just nodded.

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