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"Gulf! Let's break up." Gulf was shocked when his long-time boyfriend sends a message.

He thought that his boyfriend was asking him to marry him.

"It's okay to not be okay." He's a best friend said.

"It was almost 7 years we been together and he ended in the text message, he's a jerk, pathetic and idiot!" Gulf crying while holding a beer.

"Maybe he was just a break not meaning break up to you means time or ---

"Casey shout up!"

Casey and Techo were his long-time Best friends since high school he meets his ex-boyfriend In the seminar at the university.

"Maybe you want to tell the truth!" Techno said with glaring at his eyes.

"What?" Gulf look at him.

"Okay!, fine! We have been dating for 5 months and he wants you to be okay ---

"Do you think I'm okay!" Gulf shout he was angry with Casey.

"Get out!" Techno yell and Casey just left at the bar.

"I'm okay," Gulf said but any minute he was crying again.

"Don't cry plss, everyone is staring at us, they think your crazy a man doesn't cry," Techno whispered.

"I'm a human I have feelings, I don't care, I'm hurt that's why I'm crying!" Gulf shouted and everyone is laughing at them.

Gulf stopped crying when he saw a man on the TV.

He was handsome and his cute smile was very attractive.

"Who is he?" Gulf said while wiped his tears.

"He's the new actor and After his successful drama he was awarded the best actor." Techno giggle " He's Mew suppasit "

"Not bad," Gulf said he just calm down and lay his head on the table.

After a week of his heartbreak scene, he was waking up by his cute kitten, hazard.

"Hazard!" Gulf said he was forced to wake because hazard wants food.

He widened his eyes when he saw the small card on the floor, it was a wedding card.

He immediately calls Techno.

"What! She was teasing you, I hate her!" Techno throws the invitation card.

"I'm okay, if that she wants, bring it on, I'm fully recovered and someone hit my head and I'm waking up the reality they both stupid." Gulf stood up with confidence.

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