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Gulf don't understand Mew, for Gulf it was hard for him to keep his feelings about Mew but it seems hard to him because Mew has no feeling for him.

"What's your problem?" Gulf asks again, Mew was staring at him.

"I'm sorry, now go, Go!" Mew shout and gulf run fast toward the door.

When gulf goes outside the fans are waiting to see mew but turns out Gulf do they chase Gulf.

"I hate you, it's now over for you to flirt our idol!"

"He's so pathetic!"

"Such a digger gay!"

Gulf was not in the mood to fight so he let them hurt him until there was someone pull his hands they walked and no one can see them.

Mew seems worried about Gulf he looks at Gulf face as if there's was a wound but Mew attention in Gulf eyes, he was crying.

"I don't want to do this anymore," Gulf said and mew was stunned. "Mew, I'm sorry if sometimes I made the trouble to you, I just can't to see them hurting me" Gulf turn around while wiping his tears.

"What about me?" Mew said so gulf stop walking.

"About you?"

"Yes, about me, only you can understand me I was hurting about what happened to my brother and the parents who adapting me was abandoned me I was alone but you came, and it feels like my life is okay now than your going to give up for that basher of you."

Mew didn't finish his speech cuz Gulf sudden hug him.

"I'm sorry, I don't know that your alone no one to talk to."

"He's really stupid," Mew said on his mind.

They stop hugging cuz their phone is ringing it's Mew manager.

When they arrive at the Agency.

"No!" They both said together.

"What's the problem? it's not hard." Mew's manager said

"But, I can't I'm just a normal person," Gulf said with an afraid feeling.

"All you have to do is to make them saw you that your relationship of you two was real." He said and smiled "they are not convinced that you and Mew were not in the relationship."

"His concert was coming soon and the ticket was sold out for 10 minutes, the effect of the fake relationship is working." The director said they bow all.

"Gulf?" The director was shocked.


"I was happy to see you, I know that both of you was happy to working these fake relationship unless there's was a true feeling of you two---


"Never!" Gulf shouts and mew glare at him.

"Oh, never, why Gulf?" The curious face of Mew manager.

"I can't fall for him, Because I don't like him," Gulf said and mew was seemed shocked.

"Exactly! You can't fall for me, I'm a star!" Mew said and it was awkward for them.

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