t w e n t y - o n e

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t w e n t y - o n e

I spend the rest of my week getting to know the Cullens and their little quirks. Alice and Jasper are like artists, and their partner is their muse. Whatever they do, they seem to do with the intent to make the other happy. Alice likes it when Jasper draws imaginary patterns on her face with his fingertips, and her eyelids always seem to flutter shut. This allows Jasper to look over her, and I always note how his stare is filled with admiration and adoration. Alice and I are growing to become quite good friends, and she even gave me her Pinterest-board's name. She asked me a few questions about witchcraft and I excitedly told her about it, telling her of my favorite spells and even giving her a rose quartz crystal, which she hid in Jasper's car - although I didn't really see the point, seeing as he is already worshipping the ground she's walking on. 

Edward and Bella are like two puzzle pieces, and lucky enough to have been able to meet as young as they are. It's as if they know each other's souls and without one mentioning it, know the other's thoughts. Bella is a very patient soul, and her eyes always seem to encourage you to speak up on what you feel. On Thursday, during our first driving lesson, she didn't yell at me when I accidentally stalled the car. Instead, she taught me a little rhyme in case I forgot any of the mechanics of how to drive a vehicle and stay alert.

Renesmee added another figure in her art piece, much to the dismay of our teacher. He saw the piece as being perfect already and didn't want it to be overcrowded, as he stated it. Once she mentioned quietly that it is a family member she didn't want to be left out, he remained silent and allowed her to continue. The young girl is very much like her sister and helps me prepare for the audition that's coming up next week. We rehearse lines during our Drama periods and makes small notes on my script where she thinks I could improve.

Neo and I pass each other in the hallway, and lift our hands to wave. His friends glare at me, but Kofi seems stoic as his eyes always follow me. I don't mind them though, I've made new friends.

Jack and I seem to grow closer with every passing day. He offered to help me with my preparation for the French test, so we spend most of our afternoons and evenings together, studying. I don't know if Jasper told him about the other day and what happened with Kofi, but I don't think he knows. I'd appreciate it if Jasper stayed quiet, which I think he will. He isn't very talkative during the times I see him. Jack, on the other hand, always seems to have something to tell me and I eagerly listen every time. He never talks about his childhood and I'd rather not pry into it if he's not comfortable, but he seems to love it when I talk about New Orleans. I'd tell him about the festivals and the road trips we went on, and he'd quietly listen when I told him about some of the rituals we attended, that my mother claimed were necessary at the time. He seemed so interested and would rest his head on his arms, roll his big eyes up to meet mine and would hide his smile when I told him something funny from my past.

"So your mom and this lady believed they could summon the spirit of Zeus?", he once asked with incredulous wonder, not believing what I said. 

"I know it sounds strange, but I always saw it like this - people constantly pray to some imaginary energy, right?", I looked at him, raising my eyebrows to emphasize the importance of this conversation.

"By doing so, I think we give power to this energy and thus it manifests. For example, the Greek gods, or the Egyptian gods or even God - with a capital G."

He took this perspective of mine quite seriously and seemed to ponder over it. This morning - the day of the French test - he came up to me and told me about how he now thinks the entire universe is one big manifestation and we're part of some hippie's imagination.

"If so-", he said while playing with a lock of my hair, before tucking it behind my ear.

"You're the best thing someone could've imagined."

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