t h i r t y - n i n e

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t h i r t y - n i n e

The crystal shop smells of lavender and something else, much spicier, like pine wood. I stand behind the counter, making sure that the smaller crystals are nearly packed into woven baskets behind me. Earlier in the afternoon, I had stored a new arrival of tarot cards in the glass counter, as well as some ceramic incense holders that someone had made in the next town over.

Keeping busy helps me to keep my mind off of Jack. I haven't seen him or his family in two days, as the weather has been good, and the sun was shining down for the first time since November. He does send me some messages though, sending me a good morning and good night message. It helps to know that he's not mad at me. Neo and I went out for dinner last night, to catch up on what we missed during the winter break. They were surprised when they saw the post about me and Jack, on my social media feed, but offered their support to my new-found relationship. I know they still have their doubts, after that small incident at the Cullen residence a few months ago.

Right now, it feels like I have no one to talk to. I couldn't talk to Neo without exposing the Cullens' secret, and I can't exactly go up to Bella or Alice, as they all seemed like they supported the idea of me transitioning to a vampire. It is a rather lonesome time, as I am confronted with a decision many would gladly accept.

The thought still scares me, the mere idea that I could be a bloodthirsty vampire. To love forever, wouldn't be that bad. I don't have much family left, and not do I have any commitments to anyone. I would be the perfect candidate for the supernatural. But this life has scared me enough to think about continuing it for the next thousand years. What would the dead do, knowing I belong with them? It is the living I strive to be amongst, and I do not want to kill anyone who might haunt me for the rest of eternity.

I am scrubbing at some invisible stain on the glass counter, grimacing at the whirlpool of thoughts in my head, when the bell rings of the front door. With a sour taste that fills my mouth, I realize the air grows bitter and nearly sombre, a sudden change in atmosphere that stuns me. As the patron walks closer to the front counter - a male - whispers in the air start to appear, nearly doubling with each step he takes. The shock of the sudden appearance of spirits tingling in the air, sends an electric volt through my veins. The rag that I was using to clean the counter, drops from my hand. 

"Hello", the man greets with an amused smile, noticing my flaring cheeks and probably guessing them to be from embarrassment or shyness.  I sigh a near inaudible breath, relieved that he isn't a difficult customer. In the air behind him, gray circular spots appear, and I realize the whispers from these strange orbs. 

"Hello! Welcome to Calling Crystals. How may I help you today?", I grin at him, hoping to hide the caution that shoots my heart beating. The man smiles patiently at me, glancing behind me at the crystals behind me. I take him in for a moment, realizing he looks familiar. The man is attractive, obviously having taken care of himself. His skin is a tanned shade, after an obvious visit to the tanning salon around the corner. His green eyes have crow's feet wrinkles, from smiling so much. What is truly amazing, is his full head of shiny blond locks. I guess the man is around forty years old. One would have thought that as a man reaches his middle-aged years, his hairline would start to recede and eventually disappear. I know, I am probably stereotyping, which isn't good. Maybe it's the seventeen-year old naïvety in me talking.

"My daughter has recently developed a strange obsession with crystals. I was wondering if you're able to help me?", he asks while looking over at the rocks behind me. After a moment, his eyes shift back to me, and I realize how clear and green his eyes truly are. I nod eagerly, turning around to grab a basket of common quartz. The whispers move like the wind around me, bending and twisting to reach my ears.

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