t w e n t y - e i g h t

425 21 2

T w e n t y - e i g h t

The rest of the day, Jack and I spend our time venturing further into the woods, with a million questions hanging on the tip of my tongue, threatening to overspill. He is careful in what he answers, of course, I can see the apprehension in his steps and the caution in his voice. Behind us, the school becomes a small dot as the surrounding trees grow longer and wider, and the rain can't touch us any more, due to the thick branches that catch them and lets them slide down the wood of the tree.

Jack's hair is a bit damp from the overcast, and tiny droplets form in the strands of his curls.

"Are your eyes gold due to your err- diet?", I inquire. Blood doesn't make me nauseous or sick, but it is strange to think there are beings who actively consume it. Jack nods and buries his hands into the depths of his parka jacket.

"Yes. We consume animal blood, as a way to preserve human life. Although it is difficult nowadays, with the dwindling animal population", the boy grimaces, and looks up to the sky. My own heart grows sad at the idea that the beautiful animal kingdom is slowly growing extinct, due to human life and pollution. The idea slowly starts to make me depressed, so I try to ask another question, to change my course of thoughts.

"Do you guys really live forever?"

That concept still baffles me, the idea that one doesn't have to worry about a wrinkle that might appear tomorrow, or an ailment that comes with age. I myself, am someone who doesn't want to age, but knowing that with age, comes life experience and wisdom, it's a good package in the end.

Jack must've heard the wonder in my voice, and noticed the baffled awe in my eyes, because he laughs at my question, shaking his head.

"Yes, we do. There are few methods in this world that would actually kill us, you know? Like decapitation and fire, we tend to stay away from that."

"That does tend to kill people. But nothing can kill you? Jumping from high buildings, drowning, stake in the heart?"

Jack shakes his head and then goes on to tell me about how Carlisle was transformed in the 16th-century, and was disgusted with his own being. He went on to try to kill himself, out of fear of harming human beings, and when no methods worked, he tried to get as far away from human civilization as possible. It was there that he attacked a deer, and realized he could satisfy the hunger, without harming a human soul.

"Why don't you guys illegally buy blood bags from blood banks then?", I ask, a question Jack seems to consider.

"No one gets harmed, and I'm sure it wouldn't be the first illegal thing you guys do."

Jack must've come up with an answer, as he gestures for me to sit down on a fallen log with overgrown moss. I comply and rest on it, digging my fingers into the soft greenery.

"That's an interesting notion, but it would be impossible for us to continue living the lives we do. The most obvious, of course, would be our eyes would turn blood-red, and the second reason being, our self-control would not be good."

The boy squats down into a crouch to meet my eye-level, his fingers lightly pinching a loose curl of mine between his index and his thumb. He twirls the hair in his fingers, letting it tickle his chin.

"And if my self-control wasn't good, I wouldn't be able to do this."

My hands tremble in my lap, as I stare into his melted honey eyes, which seems to have grown lighter in the past few hours. I do have a theory about that, that whenever his kind feels emotional, their eyes seem to darken a few shades. The problem is, knowing what the emotion is.

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