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{Recommended reading setting: dark mode, to increase the AsEtHeTiCnEsS lol-}

In this chapter, everything about the contest will be explained, so it's mandatory to read this and be aware if you plan on participating.

In this chapter, everything about the contest will be explained, so it's mandatory to read this and be aware if you plan on participating

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•In the whole contest, there will be a total of 25 participants. We won't perform the contest as "contest 1, contest 2" etc. We will have one contest with 25 participants, in which 2 of them will be honorary mentioned, 3 of them will emerge as winners and only 1 will have the honorary first place.

 We will have one contest with 25 participants, in which 2 of them will be honorary mentioned, 3 of them will emerge as winners and only 1 will have the honorary first place

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•The contest will consist of 5 total rounds, not including the warm-up round. What is this round, you may ask? The warm-up round will be the first unofficial round of the contest, by "unofficial", we mean that there will be no judging or eliminating anyone. You can distinguish it from the name. "Warm-up". This is basically to get your designing skills ready and to warm-up (just like before a normal exercise).

•Each round will be posted in its respective chapter and will be posted after the previous round have ended and the honourable mentions of it declared by one day. For example: round 3 has ended, we'll post round 4 after it the following day, but after announcing the winners and the eliminations of the round.

Andromeda: A Graphic Contest || ONGOING!!Where stories live. Discover now