An Unhappy Wedding

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  • Dedicated to Those Who See Life As A Gift

Sam sighed as her mother tied the corset in the back of her wedding dress. She really didn't understand the whole fuss of weddings; it was just a big event that said you were no longer single. She also didn't want to get married, although a lot of girls say 'If you don't like it, just get a divorce', that didn't work in this type of wedding.

Sam suddenly gasped as the corset tightened around her chest and stomach, "Ouch!" she turned her head to look at her mother, "Sam, quit. Your aunt didn't complain half as much as you are," Sam blew some hair out of her face as her mother stood up, looking at their reflections. They looked almost like sisters, although Sam's mother was much older. Both had light amber eyes with auburn hair but Sam's hair was darker because of her father's side of the family, "You look all grown up."

This comment was met by a small shake of Sam's head, "I don't want to grow up. I don't want to get married, especially to Josh," Unlike the comment, Josh's name was spat in disgust. Josh was the son of the alpha, and he looked every bit of it. He had a very handsome chiseled face and a very strong body. His hair was slightly long and his eyes were a sharp forest green that darted at every sound.

Sam shook her head feircly to get rid of the thoughts, "And I don't want to move rooms to sleep with him every night!" she looked around at her deep yellow walls which were covered in paintings. The more crowded walls had three or four large paintings which seemed to threaten to pull the nails out of the supports they were on. Trailing in between the paintings, in any blank spot, were sketches of the pack members, besides Josh. Sam was often questioned about this, but she'd shrug and state Josh had no time to be drawn. Under the sketches were several dull pencils on the red carpet, showing Sam had recently been drawing or writing.

Sam's mother opened her mouth to say something before there was a knock on the door, "Miss Sam, Miss Gwen, the reception is in ten minuets, and dinner hasn't been approved!" A frantic voice broke in. Sam looked at the ceiling, sighing, before she answered in a tired voice, "Just approve it."

Sam's mother went to the door, Sam following behind as she fought against the dress. They were met by the bride's maids and were pushed and pulled down the hardwood stairs. Sam could hear all the pack members scurrying around trying to get things done for the wedding closed her eyes. It was so loud....

Sam ran into a strong body and was caught before she fell. She opened her eyes and looked up, her gaze meeting bright green eyes, "Josh!" She gasped, struggling to get out of his arms. Josh chuckled, "Sam, you should watch where you're going," He said softly, his voice deeper than the last time they spoke. Sam glared up at him, "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be outside!" 

Josh rolled his eyes, "I came to tell you my father wanted to speak to you," Sam managed to pull away from Josh, "Good. At least I can get away from you," She snapped in responce, gathering her skirts and weaving through the crowd to get to Drew's office.

Sam sighed, "Great. First I see Josh and then I have to get dinner approved... now I'm stuck walking through a crowd..." She grumbled to herself. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't even notice a man carrying several plates of food. Crashing into him, all of the food went flying before landing on both the man and a flattened Sam. 

Sam weakly nodded to all the concerned 'are you alright''s, laying on the floor for several moments even after the man got up. She sat up a little after a while enough to see her white satin dress was ruined. There was food stains all over it, causing her to sigh as she lay back down once more as the crowd split, reveiling Josh and his brother Zane shouldering through to get to Sam.

Josh had an amused look on his face, "I told you to watch where you were going," He whispered in her ear as he picked her up. Sam just rolled her eyes as Zane blocked off the wedding guests from helping the groom, "Hey, go take your seats. The wedding'll still be going on, just a little later than planed..."

Opening the door, Josh lay Sam on her bed, "You really don't want to go through with this, do you?" He asked, watching her face as he crossed his arms. Sam growled softly, "No, I don't want to get married. Expecially not to you," She retorted, glaring at him. Josh went over to her closet, opening it to find her a different dress, "And why is that?" He asked placidly.

Sam's amber eyes blazed, "Because you're the reason my dad died, that's why!" Turning around abruptly with another alabaster-colored dress, Josh snarled, "I was going to protect myself when he jumped in front of me!  I was going to take the killing-blow by your dad had to instead!" He flung the dress at her, "I don't care if you want to marry me or not, but we're stuck with this!" Josh stormed out of the room, leaving Sam to change.

Sam sighed softly, looking at the dress Josh had gotten out for her. It was a white sundress her dad had bought her that she hadn't grown out of yet. Sam changed quickly and redid her hair before she heard the wedding march and paled. She didn't want to do this.

Footsteps went up the stairs slowly and Sam turned to see Josh's dad, Drew, at the door, "Come along." He said gently, his older features gentle as he offered his arm. Sam got her veil and took a deep breath before she took Drew's arm. 

The two walked down the aisle then, Sam looking at the ground in front of her. She didn't want to do this at all. Looking up a little, she saw Zane, and her best friend Carry, and then Josh. His eyes were hard as he looked at her, but they softened a little as Sam's hand was put in his.

Sam didn't know what was happening the whole wedding. All she could remember was whispering 'I do' and feeling Josh's soft lips on her's. The next thing she knew, Josh was carrying her back up the aisle, tenderly holding her in his arms so her head was against his toned chest. 

Josh carried her into his room and closed the door quietly. He set her down and looked at her, "Mrs. Samantha Ann Flemming," He said in a hushed tone, trying the name out. Sam paused,  "Mrs. Sam Flemming," she smiled faintly, looking up at Josh, before it disappeared quickly. She sighed softly before she started to change- not to concerned about Josh since they were married- and then laid down in the bed. She watched Josh strip out of his suit and get a pair of shorts on before she felt his arms around her from behind and his breath hitting her back lightly. Slowly closing their eyes, the two newly-weds feel asleep together.

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