Ice Pack

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Sam gently rubbed Josh's back, her face hidden in his chest as he watched the pack mourn for his father. They had finished the howl and it was time for them to mourn in their own ways. Gently taking his mate's hand, Josh slipped up the porch stairs and into the house, finding himself in the dark living room with a pair of icy blue eyes watching him. 

The alpha male growled softly, his free hand fumbling for the light switch and flooding the room with bright white light. Sitting on the couch was a female with platinum blond hair and icy blue eyes, "Hello Joshy." Josh's jaw clenched, "Hello, Ashley." Sam looked between the two werewolves, a tinge of anger biting her gut as she saw the way 'Ashley' was looking at her mate.

Sam made a point of kissing Josh gently, "I'll be upstairs in bed." She said, loud enough for the other woman to hear. Ashley let out a low growl as Sam left the room, "Who is she?" Ashley demanded, crossing her arms with annoyance.

"That's Samantha, my wife."

"Oh, so you're cheating on me?"

Josh's eyes lit up with amusement, "Me, cheating on you? What are you here for, Ashley?" The female huffed, swiping her bleached hair out of her eyes before she replied, "Ice Pack needs shelter. A few members turned against us for the rouges and we need a place to stay while we work this out."

The hidden fire in Josh's eyes burned brightly, "What are you here for, Ashley," he repeated, frustrated with the female now. Ashley stood up, going to him and running her hands on his chest, "Well, other than asylum, I wanted my mate..." She cooed. Josh's eyes filled with disgust, "I'm not your mate, Ashley."

"Yes you are. Our healer stated so." Ashley purred softly, kissing up and down Josh's neck. The male didn't move away, he just shivered, "Ashley..." "Hush...." she breathed, kissing his ear lobe, "You know it too, deep down. Don't you, Joshy?"

Josh shuttered a little more as Ashley nipped his neck, "I...." He managed to control his wolf as he pushed her away, "No." He growled, glaring at Ashley, "You aren't my mate. Sam is." He snarled as Ashley pinned him against the wall, "You are going mad, Josh." 

The male pushed her away once more before he whirrled around, "You are lucky I am even letting you and your pack stay. Don't push it anymore." He stalked off to his room after making a few calls to the Ice Pack, "Yes, it's fine." He said quietly, changing, "Yes, of course..... 20 minutes? We'll be out there...."

Hanging up the phone, Josh found Sam hugging him from behind, "Why is she here?" the woman asked quietly, her tone still showing how annoyed she was with Ashley. Josh sighed, "Pack things...." Sam pulled away, her eyes hurt, "Pack things that I can't know about?" Josh paled, "Sam, I didn't mean it like that, I swear."

Sam shook her head and pushed Josh away as she started up the stairs, crying. She slammed their bedroom door and locked it as she slipped into her spaghetti strap tank-top and a pair of booty shorts, flopping onto the bed. Continuing to cry, Sam pulled the covers over her completely, muffing her sobs.

Josh sank into a chair, his head in his hands. He felt a gentle hand rubbing his back as Ashley sat by him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders in a side hug. Josh looked over at her before he stood up and yanked her to him, his eyes upset. The Ice Pack werewolf searched his face before roughly kissing him, her hands on his cheeks as Josh reacted with a firmer kiss.

The two moved against a wall, Josh pinning her, as they continued. Ashley moved to put a leg around him but was cut from doing so, "No..." Josh growled, kissing and nipping her neck, "None of that, none at all...."

Ashley shuttered and made a quiet sound of pleasure, not wanting to wake anyone. Josh could hear cars pulling up and managed to look up, his neck and ears being peppered with gentle kisses. Looking out the dark window, the man could easily see that it was the Ice Pack in the vans. He gently pulled away from Ashley with one last kiss before going out to meet the pack.

"Greetings." Josh said warmly, shaking his old friend's hand. The alpha offered a tired grin, his face much older than Josh's and his crow-black hair was dusty, "Josh, it's been long. Where's your father?" Josh's face fell, "He died today, this morning, Simon." He whispered numbly.

His words were met by sympathetic whispers, "Come, you must be hungry. I'm sure we can find something for you to eat.... the pack doesn't know you are here, but I'll announce it once I have your pack settled." Josh turned and went into the house after he spoke, pointing the mothers with children to the rooms they could use and then directing the rest to the dining room.

Blade Pack was eating silently still as the other pack came in, "Blade Pack, Ice Pack will be staying with us while they settle some problems on their land. They are our allies, and as such we will offer them food and shelter." Blade Pack nodded a little, making room for the newcomers to sit and eat. Josh watched before he suddenly remembered that his mate would need to be with him in front of the packs.

Turning and hurrying up the stairs, Josh found the door locked, "Sam, unlock the door." He said quietly, "Please." Josh could hear her crying and knew she could still hear him, "Sam, now." He said a little firmer. He waited for a few moments before he slammed into the door, breaking it open. Sam shot up in the bed, her eyes red from crying, "I thought you had 'pack business' to take care of."

Josh sighed, gently picking her up and setting her in his lap as he sat so they were facing, "Sam, I'm sorry I didn't tell you.... Ice Pack is staying with us, they're having an uprising and needed a place of shelter...." Sam nuzzled her face in his neck, nodding, "Just tell me next time...."

"I will...." Josh stood, holding Sam against himself firmly as he started down the stairs. He could see Ashley glaring at him from the table before he gently sat Sam in her seat and sat down by her, holding her hand. Simon, the Ice Pack alpha, smiled a little at Josh, "Is she your mate?" He asked lightly.

Josh nodded, kissing Sam's temple and earning a smile from her, "It is. She's my mate." Sam smiled as she looked around the packs, people smiling a 'welcome' to her and others still eating. She rested against Josh, happy for once she was his mate and he was her's.

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