Little Surprises and Big Shocks

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Sam sighed quietly, staring into her husband's face as he slept. She felt empty, sad even. She gently planted a kiss on his temple and listened to him mumbling her name before slipping out into the dark halls. With her wolf eyes, she could easily see everyone was sleeping in their beds.

Ice Pack was still living there; the rouge problem hadn't gotten any better for them and was forcing a longer stay than expected. Sam sighed softly as she went down the stairs before stopping at the sight of a still awake werewolf riffling through a file, "Excuse me? What are you doing?" 

The person's head shot up at the quiet words of the alpha female, a soft growl rumbling in its throat before it dropped the files and lunged at Sam. The sudden attack gave Sam no time to react as the person knocked her to the ground, snarling as Sam struggled to regain power in the situation. Immediately, the female cried out in pain as she felt sharp fangs sink into her neck, long canines of a shifted werewolf digging into her soft flesh. 

'No one can hear.' Sam thought numbly, 'I'm going to die....' The teeth began to get deeper into her neck, causing her to let out a whimper. The person smirked against her lips before the fangs were ripped from Sam's neck as a second werewolf attacked the first. The two rolled on the ground, snarling and snapping, before the first tore away and jumped out the window. 

Sam laid in pain, watching the second stand. She whimpered softly, "Don't hurt me....." She trailed off as her vision began to get fuzzy and dark, blood leaking from the deep neck wound. The werewolf went to her side and stared down at her before she passed out, at which point a warning howl ran through the area and woke most members up.

Josh woke up with a start, not feeling any warmth besides him like usual. He sniffed the air to pick up Sam's scent before he froze. Blood. Fresh blood. And it was coming from downstairs. He  raced down to see the packs standing around a werewolf on the floor with Gretchen by their side, "Out of the way...." He shouldered through to see it was Sam and was filled with so much fury Zane had to hold him back, "Sam!" Josh shouted, struggling.

The pack backed away, scared about what the alpha male might do now that his mate was laying in a pool of blood. Gretchen looked up, "Someone, bring her to my room!" She ordered, "Now!" Josh stopped struggling against his brother, his face pained, "Sam...." He stared down at his pale and unconscious wife, tears falling as he prayed she was okay.

Zane held him close as he tried to calm his little brother down, "Sh, Josh...." He murmured, hugging the other man to calm him down as well as to comfort him. Josh cried softly, not able to handle the sheer stress of first his father dying and his own mate hanging onto life by a thread. He sniffed, "I want a boarder patrol now. Any wolf with the scent of Sam on them with blood will be brought here instantly. If they attack, kill." He said shakily, stressed now.

Nodding, the able members raced off to track the intruder, their now shifted paws thudding against the floor as the wolves in them took over. Josh looked up at Zane and offered a weak smile, "Do you think Sam'll be okay?" He asked softly, all strength in him gone now. Zane nodded, "She's a strong girl, Josh. She'll be okay."

Josh looked down, "This is all my fault." He whispered, "She was right, everything was my fault...." He sank into a nearby chair and put his face into his hands, "What if she dies, Zane?" Zane frowned, "Don't think of that, Josh. Just don't worry. Gretchen is a great healer, and Ice Pack's healer is helping her. She'll be safe."

"I hope so." Josh said numbly, looking up with a sigh. He could hear rapid steps coming down the stairs and looked over to the Ice Pack healer, Adam, hurrying to the kitchen to grab something, "Will she be okay?" He asked urgently. Adam turned to look at him, still rummaging through things as he spoke, "At the moment, we aren't quite sure.... but there's a little surprise for you when Miss Gretchan comes down to speak to you." He managed to find what he needed and raced back up the stairs to the healer's room.

Josh started to pace, "What if she gets worst...." His eyes widened as Zane hit him, "Snap out of it!!!"    the man growled, "Josh, you are worst than Dad. I know she's your mate, I understand that, but get a grip!!!" Josh snarled, "Don't touch me." "I'm not touching you." Zane had his finger right by Josh's neck but not poking him, "I'm still not touching you.... OUCH!" 

Josh glared at his older brother as Zane rubbed his bitten finger, "No biting." He muttered. Gretchen's voice came out from upstairs, "Alpha Josh....?" Josh slugged Zane's shoulder before he hurried up the stairs, "how is she?" He asked instantly.

Gretchen offered a weary smile, "She should be okay. We need to do a blood transfusion, though, so we'll need some-" "I'll give her my blood." Josh interrupted. Gretchen smiled a little more, "I had a feeling you'd say that.... and we have a slight surprise for you."

Josh nodded, "And?" Gretchen lead him into the room and stopped by the bed Sam was on, "She's pregnant." Staggering in surprise, Josh opened his mouth, "You're kidding..... she can't be..." Gretchen shook her head, "She is, Josh. And the way werewolves mature will make the baby due in about 5 months..... She's only a few days in, but at our growth rate the child is already a month old in her." Josh stared at his sleeping mate, taking her pale hand in his own, "I can't believe it...."

Gretchen nodded, "It was a surprise to learn myself, Josh." She disinfected his arm as well as Sam's before she started the transfusion, "You'll have to watch her at all times now. To protect both of them." She stated, getting some items to patch Sam's neck again.

Josh nodded, "I know." he murmured, stroking hair out of his wife's face, "I know, and I will."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2013 ⏰

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