Alpha's Last Duty

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Sam woke up to the bleak morning light. It was the third day of being married to Josh, and now she had to get her game face on. Since she had settled, grudgingly, into the life of the Alpha female, Sam was now taking up the duties of one in her position. This includes getting menus ready and keeping track of all the records, two jobs Sam would have rather not have.

Turning slightly, Sam sighed and nuzzled into Josh lightly. She did have to admit he had upsides, like being very warm. Laying still for a few moments, Sam felt Josh's light breath on her neck, "Good morning, Sam" came the soft and deep voice from the Alpha. Sam smiling a tiny bit, "Morning."

Josh sighed quietly, "We'll have to do some work today." He said softly, not really wanting to get up. "Yep." Sam whispered, nodding. She didn't move in any other sort as she just relaxed. There was a soft knock on the door, "Josh, Sam?" A timid voice asked.

Josh sighed, keeping his arms around Sam, "What is it?" He asked, his voice still tired. Sam nuzzled into his chest, closing her eyes again as to warm up more. The speaker paused, "It's your father, Josh. Zane's already with him..." Sam's eyes snapped open as she felt Josh tense, "I'll be there in a few moments." The alpha male stammered, pulling away from Sam and stumbling out of bed.

Sam got up as well, her eyes worried. Since the wedding, Josh's father, Drew, had gotten sicker and sicker. Of course, he was pretty healthy for a man of 1,978 but from all of the stress of having a new daughter-in-law and Zane having to put together a wedding since his girlfriend was expecting, the wolf was getting a weak state of mind. Sam pulled one of Josh's shirts on since it was out and a pair of her own shorts before following Josh down the stairs and hurrying into his father's room.

The old werewolf lay in his bed, his face deathly pale in contrast to his dark hair. Josh knelt by his side, "Dad?" Drew moved his head the slightest bit to look at Josh and Sam, his blue eyes having lost their glint, "Josh..." He managed, his voice straining.

Sam put her hand on Josh's shoulder, rubbing it gently to calm him down as she smelt his salty tears, "Yeah dad?" Drew took in a shuttering breath, "You and Sam will need to run the pack.... I won't be here to help you...."

"Don't say that, Dad. You're going to be alright, Gretchen will help...."

"Josh, it's too late. I'm happy I got to see you and Sam together, but I regret not being here for you two when you decide to have children..."

Sam's breath caught at Drew's words. It reminded her too much of her father's last words to her, 'I'll be there when you  get a mate, and when you decide to be parents.' Sam rubbed Josh's shoulder some more, feeling him take her free hand in his for support, "But I still need you...."

Drew let out a long sigh, "I've seen so much, Josh. You and Zane being born, alpha's taking over who were younger than yourself.... battles.... You'll be a fine alpha even without my help."

"Josh, you and Sam need to leave," Gretchan said firmly, "Now," Drew had closed his eyes, his breathing getting labored before it stilled. Josh stood up, crying, and hugged Zane tightly, the two boys looking for comfort from each other.

Sam looked down at Drew, moving his hands over his chest in a more relaxed look. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she did and then she hid them by burying her face into Josh's chest when he went back to her.

Josh stroked her hair with a shaky hand, his face in her neck as they both cried quietly. The whole pack was silent since the news had spread like a fire. The children were in solemn moods, not jumping around like usual and helping adults get through with the grief.

Sam took in a shuttering breath, letting out a choked sob. What a terrible first duty.... the funeral of her father-in-law only three days after the wedding. Josh gently pulled away, taking her hand and slipping out of the room with a few hushed murmurs to Gretchen.

"Gather around for a pack meeting," Josh called almost in a normal but saddened tone. It took only moments for the whole pack, 20 members, to get into the grand hall where Sam and Josh were standing on the stairs. Josh took in a deep breath, "I'm sure you all know the tragedy that has fallen upon us so soon. Drew, our alpha, is with the spirits now." He stood for a few moments, letting the group murmur soft words.

"Sam and myself are now alphas, and our first duty to the pack is honoring my father and our alpha." Josh's voice cracked, "I need two or three of you to prepare a space for him with the others we have lost." Some members slipped out of the room, "The rest of you, please, take up the mourning rituals until dawn tomorrow. That will be all."

Josh finished with tears falling down his cheeks and tears running down Sam's. She rested her head on his shoulder, her eyes closed, "This is terrible...." She whispered, her voice raw, "This is so terrible...."

Josh rubbed her back gently, "It is, but it's life." Sam nodded a little, looking down, ''They need us, Josh, as alpha's. We can't let them down even with this." 

"I know, my love, I know."

Sam sighed lightly, taking his hand, before she slowly started to their room to change into the black clothes that the pack would be wearing until the next morning. Josh changed in the room with her, rubbing her back gently from behind, "He really cared for you, Sam, like his own daughter." Sam nodded, not wishing to talk about Drew.

An hour later, the pack stood outside under a burning sunset, Drew's body having been lowered and covered. Josh had spoken, and then Zane, and finally Sam, "Alpha Drew was like a father to me, after my own passed away three years ago. His death is a blow to me like my father's, and it is as though life is striking our most loved ones down. Alpha drew is still with us, and with the spirits, watching over the pack...." Sam trailed off, crying softly now.

Josh moved to her side, putting his arms around her as he gently led her away from in front of the crowd and held her. The sun set and he shifted into his black wolf form, howling. Sam followed suit and became her cream colored self before she, too, preformed the 'Alpha's Last Duty' in honor of Drew.

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