Chapter 6: Harker

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Harker followed Alison down the hallway, stopping at the entrance to the private section of his house. Her steps faltered as if nervous about continuing toward the door to the employee garage. She didn't need to worry because he wasn't going to let her get far.

"What time is your date?"

"Why?" She turned toward him.

"Because I'd recommend that you listen to my offer before leaving. I assure you that it'll be much more lucrative than any date."

"Offer? What are you talking about?"

It was time to gamble but he never risked anything without information. He opened the door and strode down the hallway and into the living room of his private quarters. He walked to the liquor cabinet and poured them each a drink. He hadn't even finished her gin and tonic before he heard her soft footsteps gliding across the carpet.

"I hate it when you don't answer me," she said.

"I know." He picked up the drinks and motioned to the sofa.

"I don't have much time, so you'd better hurry." She put her laptop bag on the couch next to her.

"You have plenty of time." He handed her the glass and tried not to look smug when she took it. "You just don't realize it yet." He sat on the chair across from her.

"This time you're wrong. I'm not working tonight. I haven't been on a date since—"

"Yes, I'm quite aware of how long it's been since you've dated." It made him harder than a stone, thinking of how long it'd been for her. Would she come at his slightest touch or would he have to reteach her the path to orgasm?

"How do you—"

"New Year's Eve, remember?"

"Oh. Right." She took a sip of her gin and tonic, her face heating slightly. "Then you understand why I'm so serious about this. And I'm done working ninety plus hour weeks."

"I pay you well for your time and you need the money."

"I do but not that badly."

"Are all the issues at your mother's house fixed already? Plumbing. Electric. Termites."

"I really wish I'd never thought of you as a friend."

"I'm glad you did." He smiled. "It made things easier."

"Things? Like what? Blackmailing me to work long hours because you know how bad my financial situation is."

"Your financial situation is fine but for some reason you've taken on your mother's problems." He didn't understand that, but it fascinated him. He had no obligations to anyone. Growing up unwanted and unloved made life so much easier.

"Because she's my mom." She said that like it made sense.

"Many wouldn't care."

"Many people are assholes." Her brow raised. "Present company not excluded."

"I'm a businessman. I make no apologies for that."

"Most businessmen are human first."

"I'm exceptional."

"Yeah, an exceptional jerk."

"Yet, you considered me your friend. Are you always friends with jerks?" He grinned. He loved winning these little arguments. He loved winning period but especially against a worthy opponent.

"I'm..." Her mouth opened and then shut, her lips turning downward in a frown. "Either tell me your offer or I'm leaving." She glanced at her phone. "I have to go home, shower, do my hair, makeup, find an outfit and it has to be the right one. Randy and I have video chatted, but this will be the first time we see each other in person, and I need to look—"

He had to shut her up. If she didn't stop talking about Randy and getting laid, he'd lean over and kiss her. Once his mouth touched hers there'd be no stopping him from tearing her clothes off and fucking her. It was time to dangle the bait and when she took it there'd be no wriggling loose. "I want to offer you co-ownership of Angel Face."

She stopped in mid-sentence, her mouth hanging open for one second and Harker's dick hardened. He wasn't a small man, but that wide mouth could swallow him whole.

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