Chapter 6

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Jordan's POV
I woke up on top of Aurora, I got off of her and went into her bathroom to brush my teeth. I finished up and Aurora was woken up on her phone. "Good morning babe" "good morning J" "what do you want to do today?" "Let's just like chill today and like watch movies and cuddle in the living room, and we could invite Spencer and Olivia" "Olivia?" "Yes liv, I want to hook them up together" "does Olivia even like Spencer" "well um not my business to tell so let's invite them, you text Spencer and I'll text Olivia" we texted them and they both said yes, Aurora told liv to go pick Spencer and and I told Spencer that Olivia was picking him up.

While they were getting ready to come here, me and Aurora went to target to get snacks. We of course got popcorn, I got sour patch kids, she got skittles, Aurora got Olivias favorite chocolate Twix, and I had to guess Spencer's and just went with snickers. We got some hot chips and some regular and some sodas. We went back to Auroras house to change into matching gray sweatpants and she put on one of my hoodies that I left here and I put on a white shirt. "That hoodie fits you better then it has ever had on me" I said rolling my eyes and pecked her lips. "Wow just a little peck don't even talk to me" she said rolling her eyes and walking away, I grabbed her arm before she got to far and put my hand around her throat and went in for a full tongue kiss.

"Is that better?" "Very" she smiled and started to put the stuff on a tray. The doorbell rang so I went to go open it and seen Olivia and Spencer. "Oh hey guys" "hey j" they both said at the same time. We walked into the living room together and Aurora walked in with all snacks on a tray but the drinks in the fridge so they wouldn't get hot. She put them on the coffee table, grabbed the remote and sat by me. "So what movie do you guys want to watch?" She asked all of us, "so you're telling me you invited me to a movie night and don't even know what movie to watch" Olivia and Aurora started laughing "I guess so yes" she said in between breathes. "How about a scary movie? La llorona" I asked them "sure let's do it" Spencer said.

Aurora put the movie on and started to cuddle me because she gets scared easily but loves watching scary movies. I wrapped my arm around her and said "it's okay babe I'm here" she looked up, smiled at me and put her head on my shoulder. La llorona came out of no where jumped scared all 4 of us. By this time Olivia and Spencer where cuddling, and Aurora was laying down with her head on my lap. I was playing with her hair with one hand and she was holding my other hand to squeeze it every time something scary would pop up.

The movie was half way done and we had no more popcorn left, but we still had snacks and drinks so that was okay. Olivia and Spencer were already sleeping and she had her head on his shoulder and his arms were wrapped around her. Aurora and I where still awake.

Auroras POV
"Jordan this movie is fucking boring" I told him, he started laughing and his laugh was very cute so I started laughing. "I know, you wanna go on Omegle?" "Sure let's go upstairs" we want upstairs and I logged onto my computer and went on omegle's website. We put random hashtags and started to see people. All we saw was Radom little 12 year olds, dicks, creepy old men, more dicks, and more 12 year olds calling Jordan hot. There was this girl that seemed our age and we decided to prank her. "Is that your brother? Please say he is because she's really hot." "Yeah that is my brother, isn't that right Brandon?" I told him grabbing his face "yup this is my sister Alexa" i pulled him in for a kiss. "Omg im getting ph vibes brother finds sister on webcam and starts making out with her"

I pulled away from the kiss and started dying laughing. "No wait in all seriousness please tell me y'all are a couple because y'all would make a really attractive couple." She told us "not yet. we're just good friends" Jordan told her. "Not yet?" I mumbled and smiled. "Anyways this was very fun see you Brandon and Alexa" The girl said and nexted us. "Jordan this is boring let's take pictures" "alright"

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