Chapter 11

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Auroras POV
I woke up this morning with no energy. When I went downstairs my mom was making breakfast. "How are you feeling?" "Like shit" she gave me a small smile "well honey what even happened yesterday I need detail." "Well me and Jordan were dancing on the dance floor and he looked guilt like he did something so I was like asking him what was wrong and then Asher got on the stage, he started to congratulate the team and then went into Spencer and saying that Layla cheated on him with Spencer and then explained something about Olivia and him. He then went onto what Jordan did and said that he kissed some girl named ripley I think it was. And then saying they had sex in the locker room or bathroom I'm not sure."

"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry but you need to beat his ass" I started laughing "I know but I have no energy I'm not even sure if I want to go to the homecoming game" "oh you're going" "but I've been ignoring everyone's messages except for mandys" "text her and see if she's going and if she is then go if not then stay here" I texted Mandy to see what she was going to do.

Are you going to the game?

Yeah Novalie wanted to go
You can come with us if you want.

Can you pick me up when you leave? My mom is making me go

Yeah ofc and wear something nice so jordan can be jealous
Be there in 1 hour!

"Mom I'm going with Mandy I'm going to go get ready" "alright" I went upstairs and showered. I put some jeans that head white hearts on it and and a cropped white longe sleeved shirt with some air forces. Mandy then texts me and tells me she's here. I go outside and sit in the back seat of her car. "Hey thanks for picking me up" "no problem I know you're going through a lot right now it's the least I could do"

When we arrive at school we make our way to the field. On our way there I see Jordan coming out the locker room. He spots me and gives me a smile to which I do not return and keep on walking. Malibu was winning and I could easily tell someone gave them beverlys playbook but I just sit back and observe since it's none of my business anymore.

When it was halftime I went to the bathroom. When I finished using the bathroom I went to wash my hands when I see Olivia washing her hands. "Why are you ignoring me?" "I'm not" "oh really I left you 26 messages and you haven't seen not 1" "well I-" "tell me the truth aurora" "ok I just need time away from the friend group" "you need time away from Jordan... and we remind you of him" "bingo" "I'm sorry my brother is an idiot" "it's not your fault he had sex in some locker room" I said with a sad smile.

As I was almost towards the field Jordan started to call my name. "Aurora wait" "what baker?" "You came" he said with a smile. I started laughing "you thought I came for you? You're so funny, you aren't the only one playing in that field I'm here for JJ" "oh, well I'm sorry" "I know that." "Forgive me?" "No, Jordan I was in love with you, you broke my heart the moment you stepped behind those bleachers and let her get into your pants. You knew you had a girlfriend and you still decided to kiss her. Jordan we are over" "for now" he said. "I don't know how long we'll be over I just need time and you always talking to me isn't helping just leave me alone" I walked away and went back to the bleachers.

"You okay?" Novalie asked concerned for aurora. "Yeah im fine just ran into someone." The game finished and the Beverly eagles won. I went towards the field and congratulated JJ, and Spencer. "Congratulations JJ" I said hugging him and smiling. "Thank you A means a lot" I went towards Spencer. "Congratulations star of the team" "thank you" "you guys were amazing well I have to go I'll see you on Monday."

Mandy took me home and I went to the kitchen. I walked towards the fridge and seen a note.

Hey I'm so sorry rorá there was an emergency meeting in Las Vegas and I couldn't miss it. Xoxo Mom

"Of course she leaves when my life is going horrible" She walked to the alcohol cabinet and pulls out the Tito's vodka. Aurora set it down on the island and grabs her reusable water bottle. She unscrewed the top and poured some alcohol in the water bottle halfway. She then grabbed the Tito's vodka bottle and brought it up to her face and poured herself a shot in her mouth, causing her face to scrunch up.

Ever since she found out about what jordan did she has been drinking to ease the pain and forget about it. She had about 1 water bottle of tequila a day. Aurora was fine though she had it under control. Oh she thought it was under control.

She decided to take pictures and post them on Instagram hoping Jordan would see them.

@ Aurora.e


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❤️- 1k 💬- 0@ aurora

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❤️- 1k 💬- 0
@ aurora.e- don't be happier
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Jordan did see the pictures. He saw the caption and thought Aurora was throwing shade, she was. Jordan thought he lost as amazing girl with a great caption, he did. He still thinks they'll end up together and maybe they will or maybe not. He doesn't know if she'll forgive him or not.

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