Chapter 8

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Today was my birthday I was finally 17. It felt the same but oh well. I got ready and put my birthday dress on. (You'll see it when I put the Instagram layout thingy.) I went downstairs and seen there was a package outside the door. I guess my mom really did get my a present. I went to get it and I opened it with a box cutter. I looked inside and it was some new clothes, a gift card, and body care stuff like sugar scrub etc. I quickly texted my mom.

Thank you
momma for the gifts I love them❤️

You're welcome baby I'm glad you liked it, love you to❤️

I smiled at the gifts and put them away I decided to take some pictures to post so I set my tripod up.

@ aurora.e


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❤️-  952 💬-168@ Aurora

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❤️- 952 💬-168
@ Aurora.e- "I'm so sick of 17 where's my fucking teenage dream"- Olivia Rodrigo

@ jordanbaker- you cute though you single?
—aurora.e: i'm an album thanks tho buddy🙄     —user1: their friendship >>>>
      —livthetruth: "friendship"? oh sweetie.
@ livthetruth- ok but like😩😍
   — aurora.e: I love you <3
@ jjparker- i see what Jordan sees in you🤩
—jordanbaker: back off buddy

After taking pictures and posting them someone was honking their horn so I went to looked outside the window. I seen it was Jordan so I stepped outside as he was coming out the car and walking towards me. "Wow, you look amazing" "why thank you Jordan" I smiled really hard. "Come with me I got you a present but you have to come with me" "alright let me go get my purse" I went inside to get my purse and lock the house i went in Jordan's car.

"What's my present?" I asked "you just have to wait and see" after like 45 minutes we arrived at a place. "What is this?" "Hot air ballon" "REALLY?" "Yea i knew you always wanted to so what better day?" "Oh my god I could kiss you right now" "what's stopping you?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down so I could kiss him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me back. It was sweet and passionate.

We got in the hot air balloon and while we were in the sky I was taking pictures of us and the sky. As I was taking one of us Jordan says. "I like what we have going" "I do to its nice and calming." He smiled and proceeded to ask "will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled and turned around and dropped my smile, "no" his smile drops and he looks a little sad "that's okay" he turned around and goes to the other side of the basket. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist "I'm kidding J of course I would love to be your girlfriend. He turned around a kissed me passionately.

After the hot air balloon ride we went into his car and we went to grab lunch. It was like 3 pm. He had one hand on the wheel and one hand on my thigh. I felt really happy right now. I didn't even notice I was staring at him smiling. "What?" He asks me smiling "nothing, I'm just really happy with you J" "im happy with you to Aurora" he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

We arrived at the place we were going to eat and the waitress sat us down. I ordered a spicy chicken wrap and Jordan got a burger. We talked while we ate our food. "I got us tickets to a carnival tomorrow night like at 6" "alright I wanted to go to a carnival with you anyways" he smiled at me and we continued to eat.

Once we finished he drove me back to my house and we watched a movie before he had to go get dressed at his house. Apparently his dumb ass let it slip that they were throwing me a surprise birthday party at their house because billy and Laura were out of town because of Laura's job.

I changed my dress into a different one

I changed my dress into a different one

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Jordan picked me up. "Wow Aurora you amaze me every time." "Thank you i appreciate that you notice I can dress" I smiled and kissed his cheek. We got to his house and there was hella people because JJ posted it. I seen Mandy so I went up to her "happy birthday my love" "thank you Mandy I appreciate you being here I know you don't really like parties." "Anything for my best friend" I smiled and hugged her until I was pulled away from my other best friend Olivia "I'll talk to you later Mandy" I yelled out as I was being dragged away by Olivia.

"Jordan said you guys are dating now" "yeah we are" i smiled "well Im happy for you both, he finally got the balls to ask you" I laughed "yeah he did" I felt someone's arm on my shoulder so I looked up to see Jordan. "Come here I want to show you my gift in private" "ok" he lead us up to his room and handed me a box. "Open it" I opened it and it was a necklace with a infinity sign on it with a diamond in the middle. "Thank you Jordan I love it" I smiled and kissed him. "I'm glad you like it now come on I'll put it on you" "thank you like actually for everything" I turned around and picked my hair up and pulled it to the side.

After a while I was cross faded, I might've smoked and drank a little to much. I found my way into Jordan's room and fell asleep in there. Jordan woke me up telling me to scoot over and that everyone left. He wrapped his arm around me as I snuggled into his chest and cuddled with him.

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