Beginning Notes

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Hello again everyone, it's good to see you back for the second installment of our trilogy.

Before we dive right in, I just wanted to say that the response to the beginning of this new series was really encouraging - I was a little nervous about starting another big project like Phantasm (what if I wasn't able to do it again, you know?), but the way you guys just ate up every chapter really put any worries I had to bed, so thank you.

But you guys aren't here for my drivel - you're here to find out what happens next in the story! I have to say - I'm most looking forward to writing this part of the story. Not that I didn't love Sam and I'm not looking forward to the final piece either, but this part... I'm going to have some fun with this one.

Onto the meat of the story!

PHILTATOS // Foolish X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now