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After setting the chest containing the weeks offerings in the vault with all the others, you opened it up, taking a moment to divide the items into seven days. Some of the devotees liked to bring the entire week's worth at once, but you preferred to bring a little each day. It gave you an excuse to go to temple every morning, after all, and it was nice to be able to have a space to pray - really pray - by yourself.

It was no different today, as you opened the gold inlaid doors to the building. Anoitos' temple was on the west side of the hill, the closest temple to the craggy cliffs that led down to the sea. It was by no means the great sort of temple that was dedicated to Nkri or any of the other, more sought after, members of the pantheon, but there was elegance in it's simple design.

There was not much in the way of extravagant art or lavish decoration, but Anoitos temple exuded cheer. Maybe it was the golden accents that were strewn throughout - an homage to his shining golden skin - or the peachy rose marble that had been used to construct the place. Either way, the warm colors and sun-lit room was like the eye of the storm for you - a place to get away from the worry of the outside world for a few moments.

You smiled as you stepped into the room, cutting through beams of sunlight that streamed down from the skylight above you, illuminating dust motes as they floated through the air. "Good morning, my lord."

The empty room didn't reply, but you hadn't expected anything anyway.

Approaching the altar, you set down the platter of offerings you had brought with you today on the steps, pleased to see that the plate from yesterday had been cleared. It seemed he had liked the sweet berries - it was a shame you hadn't seen any more in the deliveries this week. Hopefully he would accept the melon you had brought today instead.

Kneeling down in front of the altar, you slid your prayer beads off your neck, letting them fall over your hands instead. This was the part of the routine that normally quieted your mind, letting you slip into an unthinking state as you began your prayer, your thumb finding the first bead.

"Lord above, shining gold down upon us..."

But it seemed that your thoughts could not be quieted today, rolling over the snippet of whispered conversation you had caught between Anello and the caesar. It was strange to see Anello - the most faithful out of anyone here on the acropolis, and with good reason - so worried. Throughout everything, he had always been a source of calm - it was unsettling to think of him as anything else.

Refocusing, you continued your prayer, moving to the second bead.

"Lord above, shining gold down upon us..."

The words fell from your lips on their own - you had said this same prayer so many times that it had ingrained itself into the skin of your tongue. Normally, you could lose yourself in the reptition of it all, but the automatic way you continued on let your mind wander now.

What had the caesar been asking about? What had Anello meant, that he would know if it were. If it were what?

Your thumb moved to the third prayer bead.

"Lord above, shining gold down upon us..."

You sighed, faltering in your prayer, and looking down to the beads you held in your hands. Every day, you came here and said the same prayers over and over until your thumb had brushed across every bead on the string, only hoping that Anoitos took notice and cast his grace on the city.

The gods had been silent, and the city had only gotten worse.

Something wasn't working.

"Lord Anoitos?" You spoke out, your voice echoing in the empty temple.

The temple said nothing back, so you kept going.

"I understand that this is in a bit different form," You began. "But I thought I might try, anyway. Please, your grace, the people of the city are suffering. I don't know why you and the other members of the pantheon have gone silent - if somehow, we've made a mistake in our faith and you've revoked your guardianship - but you must hear us now. The city is bleeding out, and soon, I fear, we won't have anything but dust left."

You set your prayer beads aside, letting them sit on the steps to the altar beside the platter of offerings you had brought in with you.

"The caesar is worried - you can see it in the way he keeps looking to the worship for guidance. But we have none to give him. If you could just give me some sort of signal that you're even there..." You glanced up to the statue that stood on the altar, showing Anoitos in all ihs golden glory, the great shark that he rode into battle beneath his feet. "I have always been loyal to you."

I would just like to know if you've been listening, went unsaid.

The room fell completely silent then, as you stopped talking. Above you, the statue of Anoitos looked down, his face wide and full of boyish wonder. You had always thought his wide smile looked a bit out of place - most of the other depictions of the rest of the gods had them flat faced - or roaring battle cries. But Anoitos was always depicted with a dopey grin.

Fitting, you supposed for the god of fools.

You waited a moment more before you sighed, getting up and brushing the dust that had collected on the knees of your robes off. No response - not that you had really been expecting anything else, deep down.

Bowing your head towards the altar, you murmured a goodbye. "Farewell, my lord."

You turned, striding out of the temple and back out into the fresh morning air. The sun had fully risen now, and the dew had melted from the grass. As beautiful as it was, you couldn't help but feel a little put out.

For the first time, you felt your faith beginning to waver.

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