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When you woke back up, you were laying in Foolishs' lap, partially held up by the arm under your head. He was curled over you, eyes searching your face as you slowly came to. The first thing you saw was his smile. 

"It worked." He breathed, one of his hands coming to cradle your cheek. "Y/N, it worked."

Moving slowly, you sat up, putting a hand on Foolishs' shoulder for leverage. You felt... different. Warmer. More alive than you had been before, even though technically you weren't really alive now. There was something sharper about your senses now - it was like you could see more than before. Colors were brighter, and the edges around you seemed sharper. But the strangest thing, was that somehow, you could feel Foolish. 

It was like you had tapped into some aura around him - some extra field that you hadn't seen before. You could sense his feelings in a way - you could feel his relief that whatever he had to you done had worked, the sheer joy that you were going to be with him for the rest of eternity - love radiated off him like rays from the sun. 

You knew he was going to kiss you before he leaned in.

Foolish pressed his lips to your eagerly (and a little sloppily, if you were being completely honest), but you didn't mind. You reciprocated, winding your arms around his shoulders and leaning into him until you both flopped over onto the floor, sprawling out on the marble floor. It wasn't long before both you and Foolish were giggling, foreheads pressed together as you laid. It was childish and giddy and made you feel like you were bursting apart at the seams in the best way possible. 

It felt like destiny. This was how it was supposed to be - you were sure of it. 

"This is amazing." You said, running a hand down the side of Foolishs' face. "I can feel what you're feeling... is this how it is for you?"

"Yeah." Foolish said, that wide dopey grin on his face. "It's not like I can read minds or anything, but it's kind of cool, isn't it? You get used to it after a while."

"It's so strange to think that I'm going to live forever now." You said, overcome by that same sense of giddiness again. 

"It's wonderful." Foolish said. "You can actually eat with me now, and you can say my true name in front of me, and you'll be able to see where the rest of the gods live... we can spend the rest of eternity together."

You couldn't stop yourself from pressing another kiss to his lips, cradling his face in your hands again. And since the words were available to you now, you whispered his true name against his lips like a prayer. "Anoitos."

Foolish laughed, loud and bright and reached up to cover your hands with his own. "It feels so good when you say it." He said. "Say it again, please."

And so you did, repeating his name in between kisses as you peppered his face with them. It was like you had been filled to the brim with affection for him - he had done something incredible for you. He had exempt you from the end of the world. Surely, you would have met your untimely end with the rest of the city if he hadn't stepped in. 

And the only reason he had done it was because you had been kind to him. You had talked to him and laughed with him and brought him sweet berries just because they were his favorite - you had loved him. Loved him as more than just as the keeper of his temple, but as a friend, and now, something more. 

You weren't really sure if you deserved to be made immortal from it, but here you were. Laying on the floor of the temple you had spent so much time in as a human, curled up next to the god you had spent so much time praying to. After all the times you had poured your heart out in front of his altar, no one knew you better. 

"What happens now?" You asked.

"Whatever we want, I guess." Foolish replied. "We've got all the time in the world - or at least as long as the world is around."

That sounded nice, at least in your head. You could imagine it - the passage of time wouldn't mean as much now that you weren't worried about death being just around the corner. Foolish would be there to keep you company - you wouldn't have anyone else, even if you could choose. All your earthly worries were behind you now - it didn't matter that Anello had removed you from the worship anymore.

The only thing still on your mind was the end of the world.

"What about the end of the world?" You asked, sitting up. 

Foolish did the same, propping himself up on the palms of his hands, his lips pursed. Whatever he was about to say died in his throat though, as both of your attention was drawn to the front of the temple, the sound of the door opening cutting off your conversation.

"What about it?"

A smooth voice floated to your ears before the man who had opened the door stepped into the temple proper, letting it swing shut behind him. Hands tucked into the pockets of his robes, he looked completely at ease - a mop of unkempt curls giving him an air of nonchalance. Full lips and high cheekbones, he was unlike anyone you had seen before - that is, until you reached green glittering eyes. 

It was then that you truly got a sense for just who was standing in front of you. For just a moment, as had happened when you had met Foolish the first time, something around him shifted, and for a split second, you were looking at a slim silver warrior - the spitting image of his brother.


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