Chapter 15: Explain Yourself

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Chapter 15: Explain Yourself

Anna wiggled around to try and rid herself of the massive weight placed on her chest.

As she moved her head from side to side, something began to scratch her neck lightly.

After blinking a few times, her vision cleared and she was able to make out a dark mop of hair close to her face.

Anna could feel his arms wrapped around her, gripping at her back and his face pushed against her neck.

She assumed it had been his light facial hair to scratch her.

Breathing in, Anna was consumed by his scent and relaxed. She could hear Maksim's soft breaths through the silence.

She was happy to find that no more injuries coated Maksim's skin.

Sighing, Anna reached up and ran her fingers through his thick, messy locks.

Immediately, Maksim pulled her closer against him and snuggled his nose deeper in her neck, causing Anna to giggle.

"Maks, you're kind of heavy." Anna whispered. Not only was his weight on her, but his arms were acting as a constrictor.

When he remained asleep, Anna began to wiggle around.

Before she realized what was going on, Maksim pinned her arms down to the mattress.

Looking at his face, Anna realized that he was still asleep.

"Maks... Maks!" Anna tried to wake him.

"What?" Maksim answered in' a gruff voice.

Looking up, he realized that he was on top of the girl, holding her down on the bed.

"Why are you underneath me?" Maksim accused.

"Me? I woke up and you were on top of me." Anna said with a frown. He still hadn't released her, and his face was fairly close to hers.

At this, Maksim raised both eyebrows.

"Why would I do that?"

The alpha knew he would be drawn to her. In his sleep, he had no control. Maksim just liked to get a reaction out of her.

Anna shrugged.

"Maybe you just like the way I smell."

"The way you smell?" Maksim inquired.

"Yeah... because I'm drawn to your smell. Maybe it works both ways." Anna thought out loud, causing her cheeks to turn crimson.

Maksim gave her a questioning look.

"You have no id..." He was cut off by the door bell. "I better get that."

"Who is it?" AnnaLee asked.


"I'll stay up here." Anna mumbled. She was still angry with Nik for hurting Maks so badly.

Maksim pushed himself off the bed and down stairs. Once farther down the hall, Maksim chucked to himself. The girl was still angry with Niklaus.

He was excited to see how Niklaus would get himself out of this one. He knew Niklaus was the first one to accept AnnaLee and their bond would be strong.

How would he react to her anger?

Maksim wasn't sure, but he would watch over Niklaus very carefully if Anna came downstairs.

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