04; The good scent

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Zehra's POV

Waking up, due to the cold breeze, hitting my shoulders, my feet sticking out of the blanket, checking where I was not used to the view of the morning sky.

Looking around my surrounding before actually getting up. Now on my feet, I walked to the kitchen, where the scent of pancakes were made, the male in a apron.

"Shit-" He yelled, turned around and saw me "Arghh", almost tripping me before I grabbed his wrist

"I didn't even say 'boo' yet, you're already screaming" I said, pretty unimpressed.

"Well, good morning. Break fast will be served, soon" He said and turned around the the pan, which I sat near the table, that seemed to be the dinner table. I sat down and stared at the clean apartment full of thoughts. But I kept my silence until he put a warm pancake in front of me with syrup.

"Eat. You must be hungry"

"Not really"

"Okay." Well someone's having a bad day.

To the kitchen I went to wash my plate ignoring him and the other dishes. I then head back to the sofa where I once woke up and laid back down to sleep.

I couldn't sleep. I some reason felt happy about that while also being annoyed. Turning side to side, I just couldn't sleep. I got up and went to the living room, which was empty. As the Daniel wasn't there anymore, probably in his room. I opened the TV and found a series of dance. Probably not so interesting, but I clicked anyways, because 'why not'?

I saw myself and dropped the remote. The flashbacks were coming back as I remembered how the choreographer would yell and scream and us, sometimes throw chairs when we wouldn't do something correct. Flashbacks of my mom forcing make up on me, along with one meal a day to keep it simple.

The more I remembered the worst the pounding and the guilt inside me would build, but I couldn't just tell what.

"Arghh" I turned the TV off and laid on the floor just witnessing my brain unfolding itself. My mother a multi-millionaire because she forced her child to dance and suffer for years for her show. My father being a drug addict, maintaining his Lawyer image but being different behind the courts and law firms back. 

No, I don't ever want to go back to that hell hole. Kleine Levin Syndrome, is what I needed. It's a cure. It's a cure for dead people like me who wants to lie down all day. I made enough to support 20 humans. I don't think supporting one is hard.

I stormed to Daniels room and knocked on the door. Until the door opened and I hit his chest.


"Why so early in the morning for this?" He rubbed his eyes, in which I noticed the dark circles.

"Did you sleep well?" I got off topic fast, but I was still curious.

"Quite well, why did you try to break down my door?" His eyes widen, "Did you burn down my kitchen?" 

"No?" I shook my head. Wait. If I told him my memories are coming back does that mean I won't be able to meet him anymore? What is our relationship? Arghh.

"I wonder- what groceries shopping I could help you with. Yeah" I gave a awkward laugh. Quite unsure why I didn't want to leave him.

"You can stay for another 2 months, I guess. But I'll be out most of the time, as I have a job and a career to pursue. I don't care if you clean or not, as my mom will come every week and clean my apartment" 

He said that with a straight face. But that was besides the point. Because I didn't understand that would be my last time seeing him that week. As he was super busy, and I was super sleepy.

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