Nuzlocke Definition and Rules

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Hey gamers, not so recently finished a Pokémon Nuzlocke for Pokémon X! It spanned around 3 months (It didn't open for 2 months but then I fixed an issue and resumed), and yeah, thought I'd write a story about it as I don't think I'd be good at drawing my Pokémon. 

Some disclaimers to clear up things: 

This is based on mostly my memory, I recorded some of my progress, but not in a milestone type of way level-wise. This way, I do not know when my Pokémon evolved, which means I'll have to be improvising and basing it off of other people's videos and walkthroughs. This doesn't mean I'm copying anything, just getting a feel of levels to see if my Pokémon would evolve then or not. 

I'm going to be changing some things, let's say all the games listed would be in the same Universe, progressing at the same time. I'm not going to be referencing them too much, but as small breaks in-between the story. These games include FireRed (Kanto and the islands) and Hoenn. I have a few plans for other games but I'm not sure if I'm going to be including them yet, it's more of an "oh, I have a friend in Kanto right now, they have a nice team. Anyway, back to the mission" thing, it's not 100% decided but it shouldn't affect the story too much. 

Also, the character is supposed to be me(?) I guess, though it's more of a dramatized self insert. If I was gonna retell myself in 3rd person it'd be way more boring, so yeah. I'm making all the player friend npc people into teens, at least around 16 years old, I don't think I can make something as cool as Pokémon Adventures Manga. This story is taking place in the world of Pokémon, not the world of the living with Pokémon just as a game you can play on a device.

Alrighty, last point for changes, I think. This is gonna be a bit wacky with balancing things but yeah, Pokémon will be able to die, similar to the Pokémon Adventures manga. We'll say that there's a special device that keeps Pokémon alive, just my character and some other's wouldn't have it, to make sure that Pokémon can die. We'll say that PC boxes are tiny habitats where Pokémon can roam around and live their best life or something, with a virtual graveyard in there too. 

What is a Nuzlocke? 

A Nuzlocke is a challenge, a set of self imposed rules that you put on yourself while playing a Pokémon game. This makes the game more harder, and can limit a few things, though it's entirely up to you if you want to continue the rules, change some, or stop. It's all about having fun, and although it can sound a bit farfetched, it definitely is more fun then playing a Pokémon game without any rules, sometimes. 

My Nuzlocke rules: 

1. If a Pokémon faints (0 hp), it is considered dead. When a Pokémon is considered dead, it must be permanently put into a PC box (I called my dead box the 'Afterlife')

2. You can only catch the first Pokémon you encounter per area, if you kill it then too bad, you don't have a second chance. (So if I encounter a Pikachu on Route 1, I can catch that, if I encounter some other Pokémon after I've caught or killed Pikachu, I am unable to catch that.) [For my Nuzlocke I put a rule for Fishing, you can fish and catch the first Pokémon you find on a Route, and it won't count towards that first encounter. Obviously, you can't fish more then once but you can get 2 catches in an Area if one of them is by fishing.]

3. All Pokémon caught must be nicknamed, [This is to build emotional attachment so if they die (rule 1), you'd feel bad about it. Honestly, it makes it more of a win when you succeed with this.]

4. You are allowed to use legendaries. [I'm not sure if other people have a rule against this, just saw that someone didn't use their legendary once capturing it. I think this was good as I was planning on my Nuzlocke ending if/when I defeated the Pokémon League and became the new champion, which meant I'll only have to catch 1 Legendary for the story to progress. Rule 1 obviously will apply to Legendaries as well.]

5. Death by crits do not count as a Pokémon death. [I was scared of my favorite Pokémon dying, I don't think I've ever used this rule though. I think I just forgot about this so yeah this doesn't really matter, a death is a death.]

6. If a Pokémon faints due to status/out of battle while inside a Pokeball, it will not count as a death. [I've had my Pokémon faint due to poison outside of battle while they were still in their Pokeballs in FireRed, though I'm not too sure if this happens everywhere.]

7. Shiny Pokémon are an exception to rule 2. 

8. Pokémon that you are forced to catch (story-wise) is an exception to rule 2.

Well, on to the story, starting in the next chapter. Unrelated but here's a cool link I was looking at, talking about Pokeballs. I'm not too sure if I'm going to be drawing exact ties to this but if you want to read some interesting comments: 

Dpsdps55's Kalos Region Nuzlocke ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now