My Only Friend (Niall Fan-Fiction)

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me hearing the sound of my arm and leg crack was the most disgusting sound in the world my nose

bleeding horible my eyes watering up i couldnt feel a thing. except for pain. yes i get bullied and this

time it was more than just name-calling or a hit or two i hve now a broken arm and both legs were

broken also. my nose was probably broken two. it was the ending of 4th period and everyone was

leaving school campus to get lunch. i was on the school parking lot bleeding really bad a couldnt

move. i saw tons of people pass by and take pictures and point and whisper and laugh. i just though to

my self really jerks you guys suck!!! then came across this one blonde boy who stopped and looked at

me with teary-eyed eyes. he squated down and whispered to me can i take you.

w-wh-what??? i asked

can i take you away from here? he asked

wha-what do you mean i asked sitting up and screaming in pain.

can i just take you away from everyone and be your friend and help you?

i started crying.  then he sat and cryed wit me.

i thought it was a joke like a prank but then the parking lot was empty and he grabbed me bridel style and brought me to the hospitol he must have known i was broke and torn apart.

i got casts on and my nose wrapped up.

he said can i take you home? i looked at him and i guess he didnt know even though the whole school pretty much knew i lived on the streets. 

i smiled weakly and said i-i dont have one.

he looked at me confused.

w-what he said.

i looked down blinking back the tears waiting a minute trying to swallow back the lump in my throat. before answering him.

m-my parents..... they left me. and since i had no one else i live on the streets usually in a park slide or on a bench.

oh- he said well do you have any cloth's or anything you need.

i looked at him like he was stupid. did he not just hear me i live in a park. no i dont have cloth's.

i looked back down at me shoes that you could see was at least 2 years old worn out. 

i finally spoke out no.

he grabbed my hand and smiled then we will have to get you some he said.

i looked at him and smiled a weak smile trying not tolet my emotions pour out of me.

why all of a sudden was he talking to me the mos cutest guy in the school and then theres me the nerd and the homless girl.

he picked me up and pushed the wheel chair out of the hospitol with a nurse man behind us with another wheel chair and crutches that niall bought. 

we got into the car and went straight to nialls mum's house.

his mom came out of the kitchen to see niall holding me bridal style.

he set me down and hugged his mum. she smiled at me and then looked worried as she saw the casts and my nose and bruises on my.

i was in small white shorts and a tank top with my hair in a messy bun on top of my head.

she welcomed me and asked if my parents knew i was here and ok.

i started getting teary-eyed and looked down when niall took his mum in the kitchen and talked to her. she came back out apoligized and said i was welcomed to stay as long as i liked. 

they were a nice family but i dont think i could do that.

i was picked up and carried to my own room upstairs when niall looked at me and sat next to me asking if i would stay.

i shook my head no.he looked at me sadly. he asked why not? i said because thats too much. im too much for you guys to handle and even more since my injuries..

he stoppped me their and said no your not he insited i stayed for a while. i hesetantly shook my head as an ok. he smile grew from ear to ear.

i looked at my leg which was from my thigh to my toes in a hot pink cast. 

then i looked at my arm which was in a neon yellow cast. 

i got up and trudged to a mirrior and looked at my self. i had black eyes with bags bigger than the popular girls shopping one's.

i looked at my broken nose all wrapped up my lip was cut open my hands were scraped badly. i looked down and lifted my shirt just a bit to see my ribs and my stomach as thin as ever.

i heard noises coming up the stairs and saw niall come in. i put my shirt down fast.

i saw him motion me to my bed. i answered obediantly and sat. he asked me the question i have not heard in about 16 month's.

are you hungrey. the words came out of his mouth so smooth with his irish accent so soft. i told him no. but he then got up and stood infront of me. then picked me up i aske on what he was doing? he said that he wasnt really asking if i was hungrey he just wanted to be polite and ask but was going to make me eat. i wonder if he saw my stomach.

he set me down at the kitchen table. he then brought out what seemed a feast he brough out all kinds of potatoes and pasta.  and veggies and fruit. i made my self a small plate and ate it. i got a little more than i was full. i got up but before i could move niall had me in his arms.

we made our way to my room and layed on my bed on the laptop he has buying me clothes.

he picked out what seemed a whole life supply of clothes.

we stayed up late then i was really tired and he saw that. he got up off the bed and was about to leave before i said niall. 

he responded quickly looking at me in an unceartain tone. yes?

will you lay with me. i asked. 

he came to me and layed down but right before i shut my eyes he jumped up and ran out of the room i sat up but before i could he was back he got a sweat shirt and a pair of his boxers for me to change in. i got changed and he came back in.

we both layed down and fell asleep. 

the next morning i woke up to sunshine and boxes everywhere in my room. 

what were these boxes? 

where was niall?

what time was it?

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