Chpt 23: Arthur's Alpha Fires a Guy and Looks Damn Good Doing It

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This one's a goody for those Alfred simps, which, let's be honest, if you're reading this book, you probably are one. Also, people who were real mad at Arthur's Boss, Mr. Michaels.

Also I'm going to try to update this book around 2 times a week on Saturday and Tuesday, though I'm pretty busy working 2 jobs right now so they might be a day early or late, and I might miss some days, but I'll try to do at least one update a week. (Published Sun, Jul 18, 2021)

A Hot and Sexy Alpha for Arthur Chpt 23: Arthur's Alpha Fires a Guy and Looks Damn Good Doing It

Alternative Chpt 23 Title: Arthur and His Alpha Have a Chance Meeting at the Office

~Timeskip to next morning. Day of the week: Monday~

Arthur received a text from his former boss the next morning before he was even awake, the alpha giving him some nonsense of Arthur needing to come in to clean out the personal items from his desk immediately so they could start the hiring process for a new employee to replace him. In all honesty he was probably just trying to humiliate Arthur by making him do a sort of walk of shame out of the office during one of their busiest days.

Arthur knew he was only playing into what Mr. Michaels wanted by agreeing, but he wanted the alpha off his back, even if it wouldn't be long before Alfred took care of him, and if he did end up replacing his boss he'd have to clean out his desk anyway so might as well do it now while he was still early into his preheat and had nothing better to do.

When Arthur got to the office he greeted the receptionist for the building as usual, Arthur promising to catch up with them at a later date and go out for brunch once his heat was over.

(Idk who to make this so give me suggestions here on which country you think should be the receptionists and Arthur's friend and also if they should be an omega or a beta)

Arthur then headed up to the floor he had previously worked on, not really having any friends in the office to really speak of as he made a beeline for his cubicle and began to clean it out. Arthur wasn't sure if it was a stroke of good luck or bad when he saw a familiar head of blond hair and a muscular build walk onto the floor as he was packing his stuff up.

Alfred was dressed in a classic navy suit that Arthur had no trouble believing was custom tailored to the alpha with how perfectly he filled out every inch of it, a complimenting tie and handkerchief, smart classic black work shoes, a nice watch, and classy sunglasses that sat on his neater than normal blond hair. Alfred looked like he'd walked straight out of a catalog as he made his way to Mr. Michaels office and while there was nothing particularly interesting about the outfit, Alfred looked damn fucking good in it and it /did/ things to Arthur and his suit kink that made Arthur very glad he was wearing two scent patches and had taken two preheat suppressant pills.

Alfred came dressed like the picture perfect son of the CEO of Jones Publishing that he was, prepared to do one of the most satisfying parts of his job, not that his job at the company had any real parameters to define it, firing jackasses that thought the patriarchy would protect their blatant misogyny. And after not believing Alfred was who he said he was over the phone yesterday? This fucker would be lucky to work in another publishing firm in New York ever again.

Alfred ignored the murmuring at his confident entrance as he opened the door to Mr. Michaels office without even knocking, thankfully not walking in on any disgusting behavior of the alpha's besides him eating a breakfast sandwich in the least graceful way possible. Alfred cringed a bit internally at the sight, but showed nothing on his face beside his usual bright and confident smile.

"Good morning, Mr. James Michaels, so terribly sorry for the interruption," Alfred apologized without meaning it, internally amused at the other alpha sputtering attempt to gather himself.

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