Chpt 7: Hitting a Couple Speed Bumps on the Way Pt 1

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An update the day after I updated. What a concept.

A Hot and Sexy Alpha for Arthur Chpt 7: Hitting a Couple Speed Bumps on the Way Pt 1

Alfred and Arthur get out of the elevator on the lobby floor. Alfred walked up to the front desk. "Hey there. Could I get my helmets back now?" He asked the girl at the front desk.

"Hm, maybe... What do I get in return?~"

Arthur rolled his eyes and let Alfred handle it. There was no reason for him to be jealous. Alfred wasn't his. Alfred was only here because it was his job.

"I thought I already gave you my payment?" Alfred asked.

"Yeah, I know. But you were up there so long, I forgot where I put them. I think I need a little something to help me remember~."

"Aren't those it behind you, dear?" Arthur asked the girl with a bit of venom in his tone, pointing to the helmets behind the desk.

The girl scooted them out of sight with her foot and glared at Arthur. "I have no clue what you're talking about, sir."

Alfred chuckled. "So, what kind of payment do you want?"

"Why a kiss of course! One right on the lips for at least 3 seconds."

Arthur huffed and started walking towards the doors. "I'll meet you outside."

Alfred sighed. "You know I can't kiss you."

The omega girl pouted. "Fine. Then, at least lift your shirt for me. For three full seconds."

"Okay, fine. But, no pictures." Alfred said and lifted his tank top up.

The girl squealed and stared lustfully at Alfred's abs and chest.

"One... Two... Three..." Alfred put his shirt down. "Now give me the helmets, please."

Arthur waited outside for Alfred. A few alphas whistled and catcalled at him and Arthur looked at the ground, feeling ashamed of himself for wearing such an outfit. (it's not revealing or anything, Arthur just has self confidence issues and doesn't like wearing flashing or even slightly revealing things too often because they draw unwanted attention to him.) 'Maybe this wasn't a good idea...' He thought to himself.

An alpha parked his car in the spot next to where Arthur was waiting. "Hey there, omega. What's a sexy little thing like you doing out here all by yourself?~"

Arthur ignored the alpha and just waited for Alfred.

Alfred walked out of the building with both helmets under his arm. He saw some alpha trying to talk to Arthur.

"Hey, omega slut! Did you hear me? I asked you a question! Answer an alpha when he talks to you. Are you deaf?!"

Alfred walked up to Arthur, wrapping his arm around his waist before growling at the alpha. "He's not deaf, he just knows he's far to good to ever give a trashy alpha like you the light of day."

Arthur chose to stay silent, not wanting to get in between two fighting alphas.

The other alpha growled. "Oh, yeah? What makes you so much better than me, Pretty Boy?"

Alfred scoffed. "There are too many reasons to even list."

"You wanna fight, you little bitch?"

Arthur whimpered and stepped back.

Alfred kissed Arthur's forehead. "Shh, baby. I won't let him take you. Part of our date is guaranteeing your safety."

The guy got out of his car. "You say that like you're guaranteed to win."

Arthur was tempted to run inside and hide in his apartment, but he instead decides to trust Alfred.

Alfred gave Arthur the helmets and whispered in Arthur's ear. "Also, I'll have you know I didn't kiss her. I'm on a date with you. I'm yours and only yours for the next 24 hours."

"Oh, so what? You're ignoring me now?!"

Arthur nodded. "Thank you. Can we go now? People are staring and it's freaking me out..."

"In a second, baby. I just need to take care of him first."

"Hello?! I thought we were gonna fight!?"

"You're the only one that wants to fight, dude. All I said was you aren't worth my omega's time. Speaking of time, you're making us late."

The other alpha smirked. "Your omega? He barely smells of your scent. Some alpha you are."

Alfred chuckled and grabbed his neck, lifting the Alpha into the air with ease. "You have no idea who you're insulting, alpha." Alfred's voice was almost frighteningly low in pitch and volume to keep Arthur from hearing him, "So, I suggest you bite your tongue and keep quiet before I decide to get violent."

The building's security walked over at that. "Alright, you two. Break it up. You're causing a disturbance." He says calmly. "Otherwise I'll be forced to detain the both of you."

Arthur looked worried.

Alfred let go of the alpha's neck, smiling charmingly—it was almost scary how quickly his attitude, tone and expression changed. "My apologies, Sir. It won't happen again."

The security guard nods. "It's alright. Take your omega and have a nice day," he said, smiling a bit.

The guy grumbled about something not being over while Alfred just held Arthur and kissed his cheek. "Everything's okay, sweetheart."

Arthur relaxed. "Can we leave now?" He asked as he held Alfred's hand.

Alfred nodded and decided to attempt to distract Arthur. "Hey, Artie. Ever wondered where the storage space on a motorcycle is?"

"Where?" He asked out of curiosity.

Alfred opened the compartment on the side of the motorcycle. He then opened the bump thing in front of the seat Arthur thought was just to keep the driver in place to reveal more storage and a place to hold two motorcycle helmets.

"Cool," Arthur says, looking inside of it.

Alfred nodded. "Want to put your purse and stuff in here?"

"Okay," He says and sets it inside.

Alfred closed both compartments and put his sunglasses on. Alfred put on his helmet and got on the motorcycle. "Get on. And, don't worry about having to ride a certain way because of your dress. You can ride normally.

Arthur nods and gets on behind Alfred.

Alfred turned back and kissed Arthur's forehead. "Don't forget to put on your helmet and hold tight."

Arthur nods and puts the helmet on before wrapping his arms around the alpha's waist.

Alfred turned the ignition before driving to his penthouse.

Arthur yelped and buried his face in the Alpha's back.

Alfred chuckled softly. "Grip my shirt if you need to, babe. I'm right here to keep you safe."

Arthur held onto the alpha's shirt, holding onto Alfred for what felt like dear life.

To Be Continued...

1,109 words, comments and votes are always appreciated and thanks for reading. X3  

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