Chpt 3: Arthur and His Alpha Kinda Get Married Pt 2

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 Chapter 3: Arthur and His Alpha Kinda Get Married Pt 2

Arthur clicked the continue button.

The omega opened its eyes and the camera moved up to mimic someone sitting up before it panned around. There was a soft whining from what would have been Arthur at his alpha not being in the nearby vicinity. After marriage clinginess wasn't as bad as preheat or heat clinginess, so the omega would still be able to get up and look for their alpha in that situation.

Arthur looked at the screen curiously. He'd calmed down since his orgasm and was now curious as to what would happen next.

The omega got up and walked to the center of the room, looking around till it saw Alfred standing on the balcony. Arthur felt his heart thump again at the sight. Alfred looked picture perfect as he stood there, leaning forward on the balcony rail, holding a piña colada in his hand as he stared out at the beautiful private beach with the sun setting over the ocean view. There was a slight breeze that gave Alfred's hair and tank top a perfect and peaceful wind-blown look.

Arthur smiled, swooning a bit as he watched the camera move closer to Alfred. God, he wanted so bad to be there with him.

The camera moved closer and Alfred turned to look at the sound of footsteps. "Oh. Hey, babe. You sleep well? You slept through the whole afternoon, but woke up just in time to watch the sunset with me."

The video paused. 'Choose a response:' Box one, 'Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!' Box two, 'Good. You know I love watching the sunset with you and this is our first as a married couple. *stand next to Alfred and let him hold you*'

Arthur chooses the second.

The omega walked up and moved to stand next to Alfred. Alfred chuckled and moved to wrap his arm around the omega's waist, still next to him.

Arthur smiles softly and watches, feeling really relaxed now and rather happy.

Alfred sets his drink down and picks up another pina colada from the nearby table. "Want one, babe? Made it myself." The video paused. 'Choose a response.' Box one, 'Yes, please, always.' Box two, 'No thank you, dear. I wanna remember every detail of tonight.'

Arthur chooses the second.

Alfred kissed his cheek, "Don't worry, baby. It's non-alcoholic. I'm sure you had enough alcohol to last a lifetime from your omega bachelor party anyway."

Arthur chuckled softly.

Alfred smiled, "Knowing that, you want it?" the video paused, 'Choose your response.' Box one, 'Sure!' Box two, 'No, I don't really like piña colada.'

Arthur picks the first one happily, he was actually glad he'd paid for this.

Alfred handed it to the omega and it was brought up to where the omega's mouth was, a soft sipping sound being heard before the omega settled back into the Alphas arms and watching the sunset.

Arthur smiled, feeling very relaxed and comfortable.

The sun set and Alfred kissed the omega. "Now that you're up... shall we continue our celebration?"

Arthur giggled excitedly and waited.

The camera nodded and Alfred picked the omega up bridal style, carrying him to the bed.

Arthur watches happily, giggling softly.

Alfred laid the omega on the bed. "I left you in your lingerie and even put new panties on you. You look adorably sexy in your lingerie, by the way." Alfred said before stripping the omega of his panties.

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