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"Everything is fine with this beast." Jin closed the hood of Jungkook's Mustang, "And I have also changed the oil so that it runs smoothly on the track."

Jungkook handed a bundle of cash to the older, "Thanks hyung, I can only rely on you."

"Honestly Jeon, I have not expected your visit. You only come when there is something big." Jin wiped his hands, his brown bangs flowing in the direction of the wind. He was famous as a 'handsome car guy' in the town and who was he to deny the rumors when he himself suffers from the god complex.

"It is good to take care of your car sometimes." Jungkook rubs the freshly washed metal with his hands.

Jin looked at him weirdly, knowing that something is wrong. But he just shrugged, all he cares about was the money that he gets.

"See you around hyung." Jungkook waved as he gets inside his car and drove off from the famous garage of Omelas.


The sun was not having mercy with the heat today. But despite of the humidity, arena was filled with people. And of course, it will be packed when the only source of entertainment for these people is this sport. In other words, the people of Omelas, lives for racing. 

"Here comes, The one and only JK"

The crowd roared as Jungkook enters the familiar track. He was in no mood to play and just action. He has to wipe that annoying smirk from Alex's face.

"And our new rising star, Alex Martinez!" The man announced this in a more thrilled tone and, the same goes to the crowd, especially men, who cheered loudly when her Audi enters the track and perched beside Jungkook's mustang.

Jungkook gripped his steering wheel tightly. The crowd which was in his hands before was now cheering for her in just the span of two days. But soon he is going to change that. 


The engines of both the cars roared as if the beast was waiting to be free from shackles.

And as soon as the light turned green, the cars zoom past the road, leaving behind the remains of smoke and dust.

Jungkook looked to his side as Audi overtakes him swiftly.

 Alex smirked as she looked behind through her rearview mirror, she presses on the accelerator more, increasing the speed. Jeon Jungkook is too easy for her.

But it was not even half of the lap when in turning, mustang overtakes her car. But Alex was not the one to frown, she kept perfect control over her car, and not soon after, she was just racing beside Jungkook.

The finishing line was not far away, and both the car was speeding beside each other. The whole crowd was silent, carefully watching the scene.

Jungkook changes the gear as he presses on the accelerator more, he needs to win this.

And both the cars passes the finishing line at the exact time or it seems like that. 

Jungkook huffs as he closes his eyes, leaning his head on the headrest. He was never the one to sweat over the small race, but here he is now, just this close to having a panic attack. He opens his eyes and gets out of his car to see Alex already leaning on her car, hands crossed and eyes fixed on the winner board.

Jungkook gulped as he looks at the leader board, which was still loading. The winner was yet to be announced, and Jungkook feels like he was about to shit in his pants. 

The crowd cheers as soon as the winner's name was on the board.

Winner - JK

Jungkook's doe eyes were now slowly converting into the crescent moon as he finally let out a sigh of relief. He won!

"So you won."

Jungkook looks to his side and notices Alex standing with her usual composure. The smirk slowly crept on his face.

"It was too easy for me."

Alex let out a chuckle, "Yeah, absolutely."

"You are jealous."

"I will not deny it but, it is not to the extent where I will do anything to win a small race from you."

Jungkook stares at her as her words slowly make sense, "That's a pathetic explanation." He tsked.

"Suit yourself, Jeon. I am not explaining things, just stating the facts."

Jungkook opens his mouth to say something, but just like every time, Jimin interrupts him as he came bouncing on his feet.

"You were so amazing Alex!" He chirped and rolled his hands around her elbow, "You was just this close to winning from Jungkook."

Jungkook stares at his friend with mouth agape, he was at this point, really contemplating his decision why the hell did he befriended this snake-like man.

Alex chuckled as she frees her hand from his hold, "Thanks."

But soon her whole demeanor changes as her eyes settles on Jungkook. 

"I would like to meet you at the downtown park Jeon. Be there at sharp seven." She stares at him with fierce eyes and turns around her feet, walking away from the scene.

Jungkook can't even deny her before she walks away. What the hell is her problem?

"Dude! I guess she will be going to beat the hell out of you with her gang!" Jimin mutters as soon as Alex was out of their sight.

"Shut up!"

How dare she think that he will be there just from her simple command. Jungkook is his own boss. He likes to give the order and not to take one. 

Sorry if it was boring huhu. I tried :' ))

 I tried :' ))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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