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"This Alex girl is really something." Jimin scrunches his face as he gulps down the tequila in one go.

Jungkook slowly swirls the beer being lost in his thoughts. The bass of music sounds deaf in his ears as his eyes stare into nothing. The scene in which Alex surpasses him was revolving like a loop. He hates that how much effect that girl was having on him.

"Dude! You even listening!" Jimin taps his shoulder, which pulls Jungkook out of his trance.

"Y-yeah!" He finishes his beer and slams the glass down the table.

"How about if I ask her for a date." Jimin mutters with dreamy eyes.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, already fed up with Jimin. This man changes girls like he changes clothes.

"What about Lia? You proposed her like weeks ago only."

"I caught her making out with Travis." Jimin shrugged, "Your bro ain't date any hoe."

Jungkook lost count of how many times he rolled his eyes. When you are the one, you won't be needing another.

"Don't change the topic. Just tell me when I should ask her for the date?"

"The real question is-" Jungkook signs bartender to refill his glass, "Whether she will be going to accept it or not."

Jimin pouted. "Of course she will."

"And why?"

"Because I am sexy, cutie and lovely."

Jungkook just chuckled, shaking his head.

"Then ask her tomorrow." He taps Jimin's shoulders and stands up to take out his wallet from the back pocket.

"You leaving already?" Jimin crans his neck to look at the standing man.

Jungkook nodded and kept the bill on the counter, "I am not feeling like to get drunk out of my mind today. See you around." And with this, he leaves the cramped club.

As soon as he was out of the place, Jungkook inhales loudly, getting in the feels of fresh air. His hands go inside his pocket as he takes out the new packet of cigarettes. His long hair flows within the direction of air as Jungkook lights up his cigarette and puffs out the smoke.

"You smokes?"

Jungkook immediately turns around as soon as he heard the oh-so-familiar voice. And there stands Alex in all leather, leaning on her car with hands crossed.

"You mind?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, clearly not liking her presence.

Alex chuckled as she straightens up and takes slow steps to stand in front of him, "No, I don't. Just curious."

Jungkook sighs as he inhales the nicotine and blows out the smoke on her face. "There! Get the answer." He smirks as he can now see the annoyed expression on Alex's face due to his little stunt.

"You are getting quite brave now." Alex shakes her head and puts both of her hands inside her Jacket, "A few hours before, you can't even speak clearly without stuttering."

Jungkook bit the insides of his cheeks in vexation because he knows that Alex was not wrong. It was not his fault that he is not very good socially and especially girls. But for now, Alex was no longer any normal girl but, he sees her as a competitor.

"I am not good with strangers."

Alex raised her eyebrows in amusement but nevertheless nodded, "Fair enough. I thought you liked me or something."

And Jungkook choked on his saliva. This girl seriously has no filter.

"What the hell!"

Alex chuckled, "What is with the reaction! It is only proving my theory correct!"

Jungkook closed his wide mouth as he regains his composure. "Well, sorry to break your fantasy but, it is not like that." He throws the cancer stick on the ground, crushing it with his boots.

Alex was staring at him like she was trying to understand something.

"Can you stop checking me out!"

"There is nothing to check out in these baggy clothes."

Jungkook could only clench his Jaw. It was rare for him to dislike someone because he never even try to acknowledge their presence, but  Alex really made Jungkook hate her to the guts.

"Well, we will talk about liking and disliking some other day. I have to leave now. It was not very nice talking to you." Alex unlocks her car and gets into it without giving him another glance.

The engine roars to life as Alex droves and stops right beside Jungkook, "See you on tomorrow's race Jeon." She winks and, not the moment after, zooms past him, speeding down the street.

This time he will not take her lightly. Jungkook knows that she is a skilled racer, but he is no less than her.

"I will get to you soon Alex Martinez." 

Who do you think gonna win now? 👀 

Who do you think gonna win now? 👀 

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