I'll always find you

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There's no one else in the world I've decided

That floods my heart so full I have no choice but to write it

If I could create a safe haven around you

So I could always be near you somehow

I'd come running until I found you

And make you feel safe and loved

My heart aches when we are apart

I let you go once but baby never again

How dare I promise we'll always be friends

I completely denied where my heart lied

All I needed was you but I was so scared too

But I'm not leaving your side not now not ever

Cause you and me, we'll last forever

If you saw what I was thinking on the daily

If you knew how I felt I might push you away

This feeling is intense and it's a lot even for me

I thought I needed myself but with you I feel free

Give me your pain, your sorrow, and all of your trauma

I'll stand by your friends, your family,  especially your mama

I'm not here just for the fun, the good times, or to see you at your best

Even at your worst, I'll hold your hand and show you my love for you will never rest

You can try to deter me and speak about your flaws

But everyday I fall harder and that's never gonna stop

Baby you are beautiful I'll never turn away

You can bet that I'll be there till our very last day

Until the Day I'm NotWhere stories live. Discover now